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词汇 frightened
例句 They are too frightened to speak out against the gun-toting thugs.他们非常害怕,不敢公开抗议持枪暴徒。Most of us are frightened by our emotions.我们中大多数的人对自己的情绪感到害怕。She was frightened that she would be unable to bear up under the pain of childbirth.她害怕自己无法承受生孩子的痛苦。She said she was frightened because the police were after her.她说她很害怕,因为警方在找她。The little girl was frightened by the tigers roars.小女孩被老虎的吼叫声吓坏了。I don't know why you're so frightened of her, it's not as if she's got any power over you.我不明白你为什么这样怕她,她又不是你的上司。Obviously she had been frightened out of wits, as well she might be.显然她已吓得六神无主了,于她来说这亦在情理之中。He was frightened by the approaching kennel.一群逼近的狗使他惊恐。Cancer is a taboo subject and people are frightened or embarrassed to talk openly about it.癌症是个禁忌话题,公开谈论它会让人们感到恐慌或局促不安。The boy threw a frightened look in the direction of the house.男孩朝房子那边惊恐地看了一眼。He was a tiny bit frightened of them.他有点儿怕他们。I wanted to talk to you about it, but I was frightened.我想和你谈谈那件事,可我很害怕。She felt him recoil from her, frightened.她发觉他很害怕她,直往后缩。To tell the truth, I was frightened to death.老实说,我怕得要死。I'm not frightened of him - let him do his worst.我不怕他——让他有什么手段尽管使出来好了。Don't be frightened by failure, son.孩子,不要害怕失败。She was frightened by the angry sea.海上的惊涛骇浪吓坏了她。Alice wasn't the least bit frightened.艾丽丝一点儿也不害怕。The frightened horses snorted and ran.受惊的马呼哧呼哧喷着气奔跑。She was so frightened, her whole body was shaking.她害怕得整个身子都在发抖。Parents were too frightened to bring their children for vaccination.父母太过害怕,不敢带孩子去接种疫苗。When he's frightened, the cat fluffs up his tail.猫害怕时就抖起尾巴。Bruckner was watching him with wide, frightened eyes.布鲁克纳瞪大双眼,恐惧地看着他。In a way, I suppose I'm frightened of failing.在某种程度上,我觉得自己害怕失败。The frightened children ran blindly from the house.受到惊吓的孩子们惊慌失措地从房子里跑出来。The child was frightened by the snake.这小孩被蛇吓了一跳。They were frightened there would be another earthquake.他们担心会再有地震发生。The frightened puppy took refuge under the bed.受惊的小狗躲到床底下去了。Don't creep around like that! You frightened me to death!不要这样蹑手蹑脚地到处走!你吓死我了!The children didn't seem to be at all frightened.孩子们好像一点也没受惊吓。The rumbling of the thunder frightened the cat.隆隆的雷声把猫吓着了。The Indians were at first frightened of the fair-skinned Europeans.起初,印第安人对白皮肤的欧洲人感到害怕。She was frightened out of her mind.她快被吓死了。Our approach frightened the birds.我们的靠近吓着了那些鸟。She's frightened that her ex-husband will find her.她怕前夫会找到她。Many potential buyers were frightened off by the £1 million price tag.很多潜在的买主都对这一百万英镑的价格标签望而却步。She pressed the frightened child to her heart.她把受了惊吓的孩子搂在怀里。She wanted to confide in Alan, but was frightened he might disapprove.她想向阿伦吐露秘密,但害怕他会不赞成。I was awed but not frightened by the huge gorilla.那只硕大无比的大猩猩让我惊叹不已,但是我并不怕它。They stared at him with frightened eyes.他们用惊恐的眼神一动不动地看着他。




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