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词汇 fries
例句 I will have a hamburger and fries.我想要汉堡包和炸薯条。Make my French fries a medium.我要中份的炸薯条。Large fries to go.大份炸薯条带走。I'd like a steak and fries with apple pie for dessert.我想要牛排和炸薯条,甜点要苹果派。The french fries were too salty for me.那些炸马铃薯条对我来说太咸了。I'd like a hamburger with a side order of fries. 我想要个汉堡包,配点薯条。I had/felt a sudden craving for french fries, so I pulled into the nearest fast-food restaurant.我突然很想吃炸薯条,所以我在最近的一家快餐店把车停了下来。I'll pass on the French fries, but take the onions.法式炸薯条我不吃了,洋葱还是要的。The hamburger was tough and overcooked. The fries, on the other hand, were terrific, and well worth the money.汉堡包又硬又烤过了时间,不过炸薯条倒是很好吃,值这个价。The kids chowed down on hamburgers and french fries.孩子们吃了汉堡包和炸薯条。I ordered broiled steak, French fries and salad.我点了烤牛排、炸薯条和沙拉。Don't supersize your fries if you want to look good on the beach.如果你想在沙滩上看上去体形好一些,就不要吃加量的薯条。I ordered fries and a soda.我点了炸薯条和一杯甜味汽水。Would you like an order of fries with your hamburger?你要不要点一份炸薯条来配汉堡包?I ordered a salad and fries at the drive-through.我在得来速服务窗口点了一份沙拉和炸薯条。The fries are made from pellets of pulverised potato.这些炸土豆是土豆泥球做成的。Would you like fries with that?要配薯条吗?The chicken platter comes with fries and coleslaw.鸡肉套餐配有炸薯条和凉拌卷心菜丝。I had a burger with a side order of fries.我吃了一个汉堡包,附带一份炸薯条作配菜。She always puts big glops of ketchup on her fries.她总往炸薯条上挤一大堆番茄酱。The kids made quick work of the french fries. 孩子们很快就吃完了炸薯条。I'll have a burger with fries, please.请给我一份汉堡包配薯条。She ordered a turkey club with French fries.她点了一份火鸡总会三明治和法式薯条。He squirted some ketchup on his fries.他在炸薯条上喷了些番茄酱。Back then I could bolt down three or four burgers and a pile of French fries.那个时候,我一口气能吃下三四个汉堡和一大堆炸薯条。I'd like a side of French fries with that.除了那个以外,我再要一份炸薯条。Do you want large fries or regular fries with that?你想配大包还是普通薯条?We had dinner at the Ritz, a far cry from our usual hamburger and fries.我们在里兹饭店吃晚饭,那和我们平常吃的汉堡包和炸薯条可是天差地别了。Two portions of French fries please.请来两份炸薯条。She squirted ketchup all over her fries.她在炸薯条上挤满番茄酱。Noah dipped his fries in the ketchup,诺厄把薯条在番茄酱里蘸了蘸。I found Sam in front of the TV, pigging out on pizza and fries.我发现萨姆在电视机前狼吞虎咽地吃着比萨和薯条。I was craving french fries, so I pulled into the nearest fast-food restaurant.我很想吃炸薯条,所以我在最近的一家快餐店把车停了下来。I ordered a side of fries with my hamburger.我点了汉堡包,外加薯条作为配菜。He's starving all day, then gorging at night on a burger, shake, and fries.他饿了一整天了,晚上狼吞虎咽地吃了一个汉堡、一杯奶昔和一堆炸薯条。I'd like a large order of French fries, please.请给我来一份大份的炸薯条。I'll have a omelette with fries on the side, please.我要一个煎蛋,另要一盘炸薯条,谢谢。Joe demolished an enormous plateful of chicken and fries.乔狼吞虎咽地吃光了满满一大盘鸡肉和薯条。




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