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词汇 frightens
例句 The idea of fatherhood frightens me.想到当父亲让我害怕。It frightens me how quickly children grow up these days.现在孩子们长得这么快真吓了我一跳。It sort of frightens me. I guess I am kind of freaked out by it.它让我有点害怕。我想我可能被它弄得心里有些发毛。The prospect of war really frightens me.战争的即将到来真的把我吓坏了。The thought of war frightens me.想到战争就让我觉得不安。He frightens me when he drives so fast.他开车这么快,我很害怕。The depth of covert racism in my own profession frightens me.我所从事的职业中暗藏着如此深的种族主义偏见,这让我感到害怕。It's a blooming nuisance because it frightens my dog to death.它真让人讨厌,快把我的狗吓死了。Clark says the poltergeist scatters pots and pans over the kitchen floor, opens locked doors and frightens the family dog.克拉克说吵闹鬼会把锅碗瓢盆乱扔在厨房的地板上,会把上了锁的门打开,还会惊吓家里的狗。It frightens me to know that the rapist still hasn't been caught.得知强奸犯还未被抓到,我很害怕。Death frightens me, specifically my own death.死亡让我感到恐惧,确切地说,是我自己的死亡。The depth of covert racism in my own profession frightens me.在我从事的职业中深藏着的种族主义令我恐惧。




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