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词汇 reins
例句 She handed the reins of the company to her successor. = She handed over the reins of the company to her successor.她将公司权力交给了她的继任者。Charlie was holding the horse's reins loosely in one hand.查利的一只手轻轻地挽着马的缰绳。He dropped the reins on the ground, secure in the knowledge that the horse would remain in place as trained.他放心地把缰绳丢在地上,料定那匹马受过训练,会待在原地。I snatched at the reins and managed to haul him to a halt.我一把抓住缰绳,设法把它拉停。Many retailers are still pulling back the reins on expansion and growth plans.很多零售商仍对扩张、发展计划采取约束态度。His jerkings on the reins only added to the horse's wildness.他急拉缰绳,只使得马更加狂暴了。Dismounting, I led the horse by the reins back to the stable.我翻身下马,牵着缰绳把马带回马厩。The stallion bucked as he fought against the reins holding him tightly in.为了挣脱紧勒的缰绳,公马猛然弓背跳起。It’s time to start loosening the reins and letting their kids travel unsupervised to school.他们是时候放松控制,让孩子们自己去上学了。The vice-president was forced to take up the reins of office.副总统被迫走马上任。He seized the reins of power.他夺得了掌控权。It's the accountants who effectively hold the reins.事实上是会计人员掌权。Slacken the reins or you'll hurt the horse's mouth.松开缰绳,否则你会弄伤马的嘴。The reins are fastened to the bridle on the horse's head.缰绳是扣扎在马头笼头上的。He jogged the reins and the horse started up.他轻轻一抖缰绳,马儿就起步了。Amazon customers love these baby and toddler reins.亚马逊网站上这种防止幼儿走失的安全带卖得很好。He was determined to see the party keep a hold on the reins of power.他决意要确保这个政党掌握政权。The President-elect will officially take the reins in January.当选总统将于一月正式主政。I've been asked to take the reins while the manager is on holiday.经理休假期间,我被要求代理主管人职权。The old-timers and established families clutched the reins of power.久居此地的居民和根基稳固的家族牢牢掌控着权力。Regulations impose reins on personal freedom.规章制度约束个人自由。The rider held the reins loosely as the horse slowed to a walk.马放慢速度走了起来,骑手便放松了缰绳。Sean gathered up the horse's reins.肖恩拾起马缰绳。They held the reins of government/power. 他们掌控着政府/权力。Let the reins go slack.放松缰绳。Owens will officially take over the reins in a few weeks.几个星期以后欧文斯将正式接手掌权。The rider pulled on the reins to stop his horse.骑手收紧缰绳,让马停下来。He helped her up before flicking the reins.他帮她上马,之后挥动了缰绳。Don't allow the reins to slacken, keep them taut.不要松开缰绳,要拉紧。He had finally taken over the reins of government.他终于上台掌握了政权。A new military administration has taken over the reins in that country.一个新的军人政府已在该国接管了政权。Can you hold the reins for a minute?你能抓一会儿缰绳吗?Few kings now hold the reins of government.现在很少有国王是掌握政权的。Alan took the reins and the small horse started trotting.艾伦抓住缰绳,小马开始小跑起来。He seized the reins of the runaway horse.他抓住了脱逃马的缰绳。She's the boss but her secretary often seems to hold the reins.她是老板,但她的秘书似乎常常掌管一切。The mother had to put reins on the toddler — otherwise he would have run on to the road.那母亲不得不用安全带牵住才学会走路的小孩,不然他早就跑到马路上去了。Parents need to loosen the reins as the child grows.随着孩子长大,家长需要放放手。She gave a gentle pull on the reins, and the horse stopped.她轻轻一拉缰绳,那匹马便停住了。She pulled sharply on the reins.她猛地拉紧缰绳。




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