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词汇 Hindu
例句 Many Christians today feel the need to relate their experience to that of the Hindu, the Buddhist and the Muslim.如今,许多基督徒感到有必要把自身的体验与印度教徒、佛教徒和伊斯兰教徒的体验相联系。The general had mustered his troops north of the Hindu Kush.将军已把部队集结到了兴都库什山脉北部。Hindu science made great advances in astronomy and mathematics.印度科学界在天文学和数学方面取得了巨大的进步。Brahmans traditionally become priests in the Hindu religion.依照传统,婆罗门都是印度教的僧侣。His behaviour is inconsistent with Hindu values.他的行为不符合印度教的价值观。The travellers were guided around the Hindu Kush by local people who had lived there all their lives.当地人带领游客游览兴都库什山脉,他们一辈子都在那里生活。His followers adhere to a blend of Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian teachings.他的追随者信奉佛教、印度教和基督教这三教教义的融合体。Many of my Hindu friends wear bindis to parties.我的许多印度教朋友去参加晚会时,眉心会点上饰点。They invoked Hindu scripture to justify their position.他们援引印度教的经文为他们的立场辩护。The dance was based on several Hindu legends.这个舞蹈是根据几个印度传说创作的。The aim of the festival is to increase awareness of Hindu culture and traditions.该节庆日的目的在于增强人们对印度文化和传统的认识。He came from the highest Hindu caste.他出身印度最高的种姓。It's part of a broader Hindu nationalist movement that's gaining strength throughout the country.这是一场凝聚全国力量的更大规模的印度教民族主义运动的一部分。This shrine is sacred to the Hindu god Vishnu.这座神殿供奉印度教中的守护神毗湿奴。It's a religious procession to the local Hindu temple.这是一支向当地印度教神庙进发的宗教游行队伍。Buddhist/Hindu/Jewish/Mormon temples佛教/印度教庙宇;犹太教/摩门教教堂The general had mustered his troops north of the Hindu Kush.将军在兴都库什山脉以北集结军队。He, a Hindu, has lost caste for becoming a Christian.他,一个印度人,因成为基督徒而丧失种姓地位。Hindu supporters will begin to peel away in distaste.印度教支持者们将出于反感开始放弃支持。The Hindu religion encompasses many widely differing forms of worship.印度教中包括有许多截然不同的崇拜形式。This new Hindu militancy appals many observers.这种新的印度教的好战表现让很多观察家感到恐惧。The Greek Ouranos is plainly cognate with the Hindu Varuna.希腊神乌拉诺斯显然和印度神伐楼拿属于同一类神。




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