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词汇 order of the day
例句 These are strange times in which we live, and strange arrangements appear to be the order of the day.我们生活在这个光怪陆离的时代,各种奇怪的生活安排如今都司空见惯。Change was very much the order of the day in that time in our country's history.我国历史上那个时期的特点是变化。At the resort's outdoor café, bathing suits and sandals are the order of the day. 在这处旅游胜地的室外咖啡店里很流行穿泳衣和凉鞋。Sexual explicitness is the order of the day.公开讨论性话题如今是司空见惯的事。Growth and change are the order of the day in every field.发展和变革为各个领域的一种风气。Wasteful government spending seems to be the order of the day.政府铺张浪费似乎已然成风。Conservatism and caution are the order of the day.保守和谨慎是当下的风尚。On these TV channels, reality shows and repeats are becoming the order of the day.在这些电视台的节目中,真人秀节目和回放节目越来越多。Prunes were the order of the day.洋李脯风行一时。




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