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例句 Those who come unstuck are the ones who cannot sell the properties on fast enough.栽跟头的就是那些没有迅速把不动产卖出去的人。They produce artificial chemicals which exactly imitate particular natural ones.他们生产酷似某些天然物质的人造化学品。The smart ones will have already bagged their seats by placing cards on them.机灵的人会把卡片放到座位上占座。Are there any other messages for me, barring the ones on my desk?除了我书桌上的那些以外,还有我的信吗?It is becoming harder for the authorities to sucker healthy banks into taking over smaller ones.当局想诱使经营状况良好的银行接管小银行是越来越难了。It seems a lot of these companies want to get rid of the old ones and keep on the young ones.看来许多这类公司都想辞掉老员工而留下年轻的员工。Dried herbs are convenient but I think fresh ones have more flavour.干的香草用起来很方便,但我觉得新鲜的香草味道更好一些。It's getting more and more difficult to distinguish fake diamonds from real ones.现在真假钻石越来越难区分了。We are attracted by nice smells and recoil from nasty ones.我们会被好闻的味道吸引,难闻的味道则会让我们退避三舍。Loans were extended to help pay the interest on the old ones.这些贷款延期偿还以支付旧账利息。You're a popular girl, Grace, and a lot of the younger ones look up to you.你很受大家欢迎,格雷丝,很多比你小的女孩子都很崇拜你。I have to buy Tim some new sandals. The ones he's wearing are too small.我得给蒂姆买双新的凉鞋。他穿的那双太小了。These events shifted debate from economic issues to social ones.这些事件使讨论从经济问题转移到社会问题。We were the only ones left to carry on the tradition.我们是唯一留下来可以继承这一传统的人。Larger companies are pushing smaller ones into bankruptcy.大公司正在把小公司逼到破产的境地。The new computers won't arrive until next week, but we can keep using the old ones in the meanwhile.新计算机下星期才到,但在此期间我们可以继续使用旧计算机。His new novel is unlike all his previous ones.他新出的这部小说与他以前的不同。Small pickling onions can be used instead of sliced ones.小块腌洋葱可用来替代切片洋葱。Some teachers devote too much time to helping their slower students and neglect the brighter ones.有些教师在迟钝的学生身上花了太多时间,忽视了聪明的学生。Martha tried to block the mouse holes up, but new ones kept appearing.玛莎试图把老鼠洞堵住,但是新的洞又会不停地出现。The plane's crew members were the last ones to disembark.全体机务人员最后下飞机。Balance spicy dishes with mild ones.做到辛辣菜和清淡菜比重相当。Indian skins age far more slowly than American or Italian ones.印度人的皮肤比美国人或意大利人的皮肤衰老得慢得多。The government hoped to consolidate ten states to form three new ones.政府希望把十个州合并成三个新的州。I think we should improve existent parks rather than create new ones.我认为我们应该改善现有公园,而不是兴建新公园。They have two young ones and another on the way.他们已经有了两个孩子,另一个快要生了。The people who get on are the ones who create their own opportunities.成功人士都是那些会自己创造机会的人。The four tiny bedrooms were knocked through to make two larger ones.四间小卧室被打通,改造成两间大卧室。They were not the only ones to have brains and ambition.并不是只有他们聪明、有志向。This problem is nothing to the ones we previously had.和我们先前遇到的问题相比,这个不算什么。While her earlier poems are light and optimistic, these ones are sad and depressing.尽管她早期的诗作轻快而乐观,但这些诗作却是悲伤和压抑的。We should jettison these old computers and get new ones.我们应该处理掉这些旧电脑,换成新的。Many prisoners find it difficult being separated from their loved ones.许多囚犯感到和亲人分开很痛苦。The little ones were paddling in the shallow end.小家伙们正在浅水区戏水。The apprentices worked in the shed where the new locomotives were assembled and the old ones repaired.学徒们在工作棚里组装新机车,修理旧机车。Ordinary machine tools have been scrapped in favour of new computerized ones.普通机床已被废弃,取而代之的是新型数控机床。I've always preferred canned peaches to the fresh ones.我一直喜欢吃罐头桃子,不喜欢鲜桃。Softer fabrics are much more becoming than stiffer ones.软面料要比硬面料合身得多。The ones on the team who are most successful practice every day.球队中最成功的那些球员天天训练。Small businesses are absorbed by big ones.小公司被大公司吞并了。




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