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词汇 Modern
例句 Modern trains have automatic doors.现代列车都装有自动门。There was an exhibition of Adams’ paintings at the Museum of Modern Art.现代艺术博物馆里举行过一次亚当斯的画展。Modern tennis rackets are much lighter than old-fashioned wooden ones.现代的网球拍比以前的木拍子轻多了。Modern art has encouraged the use of mixed media.现代艺术鼓励对混合媒体的使用。Modern electioneering is sophisticated and highly organised.现代的竞选活动很复杂,且非常有组织。Several of her paintings are hanging in the Museum of Modern Art.她有几幅画正在现代艺术博物馆展出。She is learning Modern Greek.她正在学习现代希腊语。Modern Egyptian writing is in Arabic script.现代埃及人书写用的是阿拉伯文字。Modern economies place a premium on educated workers.现代经济尤其重视受过良好教育的工人。Modern television sitcoms are often ironic and self-referential.现代电视情景喜剧往往带有讽刺意味,具有自我指认的性质。Modern paintings are not to my taste.现代画不合我的口味。The Museum of Modern Art has agreed to loan its entire Warhol collection to the exhibition.现代艺术博物馆同意把收藏的沃霍尔的全部作品借给这次展览。Both architects were part of the Modern Movement.两位建筑师都是现代派运动的一分子。Modern life trends towards less formal customs.现代生活倾向于较少拘泥于客套习俗。Modern man is spiritually dispossessed.现代人在精神上毫无寄托。Modern computers can be applied to a wide range of tasks.现代计算机可应用于多种工作。Modern archaeology is more scientific than in the past.现代考古学比以前更科学。His pictures were hung in the Museum of Modern Arts.他的画在现代艺术馆展出。Modern technology enables eavesdroppers to pick up conversations through windows or walls.现代技术使窃听者能够隔着窗户或墙偷听谈话。Modern-day engines are so much more efficient.现代的发动机效能高得多。Modern art is often rather abstract.现代艺术往往相当抽象。Modern missiles are so accurate because their flight is controlled by computer.现代导弹十分精确,因为其飞行路线是由计算机控制的。Modern technology has made it easy for us to decentralize.现代技术已经使分散管理变得简单易行。Modern textiles can look too bright in an old building.现代纺织品在旧建筑内看起来可能显得太鲜亮。Modern, manufactured dyes can be costly.现代的人造染料会很贵。Ari Hart recently received the accolade of being represented in the Museum of Modern Art.阿里·哈特的作品最近有幸获选在现代艺术馆展出。Modern farming practice has led to the virtual disappearance of this bird.现代化的耕作方式导致这种鸟濒于灭绝。Modern farming methods have led to the total extinction of many species of wild flowers.现代耕作方法导致许多种野花完全绝种了。Modern technology has opened our eyes to many things.现代科技开阔了我们的眼界,让我们了解了许多事物。The painting was bought by an anonymous benefactor, and donated to the Museum of Modern Art.这幅画作是一位不愿透露姓名的捐赠人买来捐赠给现代艺术博物馆的。Baldesaro is in New York preparing a showing at the Museum of Modern Art.鲍尔德萨罗正在纽约准备在现代艺术博物馆举行的一场画展。The couple had their wedding reception at the Museum of Modern Art.那对夫妇在现代艺术博物馆举办了婚宴。Modern word processors usually have spelling checkers and even grammar checkers.现代文字处理器通常带有拼写检查功能,有的还有语法检查功能。The picture is identical to the one in the museum of Modern Art in New York.这幅画和纽约现代艺术博物馆里的那幅一模一样。Modern medicine often has its origins in ancient ways of doing things.现代医学的许多做法都来源于古代。Modern farming methods coexist with more traditional practices.现代耕作方法与较传统的耕作习惯并存。Modern fertilisers should be used judiciously.使用现代化肥应该非常谨慎。Modern hand-held cameras are far less cumbersome.现代的便携式摄像机远比原来的轻巧。Modern furniture design tends to simplicity.现代家具设计越来越简单。Modern fertilizers should be used judiciously.使用现代化肥应该非常谨慎。




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