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例句 Equally compelling is data that suggests that antidepressants leave some people with no relief at all.同样令人信服的数据显示,抗抑郁药物对有些患者毫无缓解作用。The novel implicitly suggests that racism can explain the murder.这本小说含蓄地指出种族歧视是这场谋杀的真正原因。The cause of the problem, as Hutton suggests, is the leadership's refusal to accept any form of criticism.问题的原因,如赫顿所暗示的,是领导层拒绝接受任何形式的批评。The regularity with which this occurs suggests that the process is genetically determined.这种现象出现的规律性表明这个过程是由基因决定的。Beth's experience suggests that people don't really change deep down.贝丝的经历表明人们内心深处并不会真正改变。The news is good insofar as it suggests that a solution may be possible.这是个好消息,它暗示有可能找到解决办法。The door had not been forced open, which strongly suggests that the victim was known to her killer.门不是强行破开的,这清楚说明被害人是认识凶手的。Evidence suggests there's a connection between the languages.有证据显示这些语言之间存在关联。Fresh evidence has recently come to light that suggests that he didn't in fact commit the murder.新近发现的证据表明那起凶杀案并不是他干的。The poll suggests that the strongest unsatisfied appetite for home computers isn't among the richest consumers.民意调查显示,家用电脑的最大需求者不是那些最有钱的人。The little we do know about the people who lived here suggests they had a very sophisticated society.我们对那些曾经在这里生活过的人们知之甚少,但可以确定的是他们当时的社会已经相当成熟。As the name suggests, a yarn winder is a device used to wind balls of yarn.正如其名字所表明的那样,绕纱机是把纱绕成纱球的机器。The article suggests some guidelines for healthy eating.这篇文章给出了一些健康饮食的指导。Evidence suggests that the driver of the car was under the influence of drugs.证据表明汽车司机吸食过毒品。He had that pinched look that suggests poverty and lack of nourishment.他面容那么消瘦,说明他穷困潦倒、营养不良。That cloud suggests a boat to me.那朵云使我联想到船。The study suggests that it is a mistake to attribute adult reasoning to children.研究表明,认为儿童有成年人的推理能力是错误的。A recent report on child abuse in The Guardian suggests that as many as one in ten children are at risk.最近《卫报》上的一篇关于虐待儿童的报道指出,多达十分之一的儿童面临着这种情况。The drop in trading suggests the Asian economies may be headed for recession.贸易下滑显示亚洲的经济可能正在走向衰退。He suggests that Nietzsche was trying each style on for size.他的言下之意是尼采当时正在尝试每一种风格。The early buzz suggests that the album could be a classic.早早就传出纷纷议论说明这张专辑有可能成就经典。The survey suggests that rising crime is the top of the average American's concerns.此项调查显示,罪案上升是美国人普遍最担心的事。The evidence suggests that he's to blame, but let's be careful not to jump to conclusions. He may have a good explanation for what happened.证据表明他应负有责任,但我们还是要谨慎一点,不要贸然下结论。他对于所发生的事情也许会有一个合理解释。In an editorial, The Independent suggests the victory could turn nasty.《独立报》在一篇社论中暗示这场胜利可能会变味。Evidence suggests that the private car was deliberately uncoupled.有证据显示那辆私家车是被故意拆卸的。Kenya's experience suggests that a nation needs a combination of catalysts to prod couples to have fewer children.肯尼亚的经验表明,为鼓励少生,政府需出台多种激励性政策。The latest opinion poll suggests the vote could go either way.最近的民意调查显示两种表决结果都有可能。As its name suggests, the Carlton Beach Hotel is situated near the sea.正如其名字所暗示的那样,卡尔顿海滩宾馆就坐落在大海边。An increasing body of evidence suggests that all of us have cancer cells in our bodies at times during our lives.越来越多的证据表明,我们所有人一生中体内时有癌细胞存在。The Washington rumour mill suggests the money changed hands illegally.华盛顿的传言暗示那笔钱已经非法易手。The name suggests a possible African origin.该名字表明它可能源于非洲。The accumulating evidence suggests...越来越多的证据表明… The Washington rumour mill suggests that the president secured his narrow majority only by promising all sorts of concessions.华盛顿的谣言工厂暗示总统是在承诺作出种种让步后才获得微弱多数票的。The author's style suggests a certain ambiguity in his moral view.该作家的风格表明其道德观有点暧昧不明。All the evidence suggests that the problem has improved in recent years.所有证据都显示该问题近年来已有改进。The evidence suggests quite strongly that the fire was caused by an explosion.证据相当有力地表明火灾是由爆炸引起的。The research suggests we only use a small portion of our brains at any one time.该项研究显示,任何时候我们都只使用了脑子的一小部分。The research suggests that the drug will be successful, in so far as one can draw conclusions from such a small sample size.就目前从这么小的样品数量所得出的结论来看,此项研究表明这种药是会成功的。The letter, if we take it at face value, suggests that Richard is quite happy in his job.若只看表面,这封信是说理查德对自己的工作很满意。The evidence suggests that our sense of touch is programmed to diminish with age.有证据表明,我们的触觉会随着年龄的增长而减损。




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