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词汇 suggestive
例句 He made sexually suggestive remarks.他说了些调情挑逗的话。The fingers were gnarled, lumpy, with long, curving nails suggestive of animal claws.手指粗糙,关节突出,指甲又长又弯,让人想起动物的爪子。He was attempting to discredit his opponent by suggestive references to his personal life.他正企图以暗示对手的私生活有问题来搞臭他。Her symptoms are suggestive of a panic disorder.她有惊恐症的症状。His behavior was suggestive of a cultured man.他的举止暗示他是一个有教养的人。He kept giving me suggestive looks.他一直用挑逗的目光看我。In the middle of the picture is a shape suggestive of a woman's body.图片的中间是一个令人联想到女人身体的图形。The natural images in the poem are meant to be suggestive of realities beyond themselves.诗中描绘的自然景象意在让人联想到景象以外的现实。Emily turned and threw her a suggestive grin.埃米莉转过头,冲她意味深长地一笑。Victor winked at her, and his smile was so wickedly suggestive that Francesca blushed.维克托朝她眨眨眼,他的笑容是那样调皮而带挑逗性,使弗朗西丝卡脸都红了。Some of his lyrics are rather suggestive.他一些歌的歌词相当具有挑逗性。The amplified sounds are suggestive of dolphins chatting to each other under the sea.那些放大的声音使人联想到海豚在海底的窃窃私语。When she worked in the pub, men used to make suggestive remarks to her all the time.她在酒吧工作的时候,总是有男人对她说挑逗性的话。It was a huge sound, suggestive of whales calling each other.声音很大,就像是鲸鱼在互相召唤。The results were highly suggestive of malignancy.结果表明很可能是恶性肿瘤。The film "Tom Jones’ is famous for its sexually suggestive eating scene.影片《汤姆·琼斯》中的那个挑逗性的用餐镜头很出名。Several of the most sexually suggestive scenes have been cut from the film.影片中有几个最具挑逗性的镜头被剪掉了。These headaches were most suggestive of raised blood pressure.这类头痛多是血压升高的征兆。




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