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词汇 suggestion
例句 The mere suggestion that she might have to scrub the floor filled her with horror.她或许不得不去擦洗地板,这一丝半缕的征兆就让她充满了恐惧。It was a ridiculous suggestion.那是个荒谬的建议。She took a seat at his suggestion.在他的提议下她坐了下来。Jules expressed his concurrence with the suggestion.朱尔斯表示同意这个建议。I'd like to make a suggestion if that's all right.如果可以的话,我想提个建议。Might I make a suggestion?.我能否提个建议?It seems that the suggestion has fallen on dead ears.看来这建议并未受到重视。I'll try to get my suggestion in at the start of the meeting.我会尽量在会议开始时把我的建议提出来。The government have denied any suggestion of involvement in her death.政府否认与她的死有任何关联。She is all in favor of my suggestion.她完全赞同我的建议。His suggestion was greeted with incredulity.人们对他的建议持怀疑态度。I was surprised by his defensive reaction to my suggestion.他对我的建议怀有戒心,我感到很意外。He shrugged at my suggestion.他对我的建议只是耸耸肩。I'd like to offer/make a suggestion.我想要提个建议。Little interest welcomed his suggestion.他的建议很少有人问津。There's no scientific basis to the method-it works by suggestion.这种方法没有什么科学依据,它是通过暗示起作用的。It might be pertinent for you to make the suggestion to the president.你向总裁提这个建议可能比较恰当。Can we put that suggestion on the shelf for now?我们把那个建议暂且放一放好吗?She meant to be helpful but her suggestion really rubbed me the wrong way.她本意是想帮忙,可她的建议实在让我生气。There is absolutely no suggestion of any mainstream political party involvement.没有任何依据表明有任何主要政党参与其中。His suggestion was met with a wall of silence. 他的建议无人响应。I can't figure out why they ridicule this constructive suggestion.我弄不懂他们为什么嘲笑这一建设性建议。William looked more than a little perturbed at the suggestion.看起来威廉对这个建议不仅仅是有点担忧。May we take you up on your suggestion of sharing the costs for the party?我们接受你分担聚会费用的建议,怎么样?The suggestion was downright risible.那个建议真是荒唐透顶。Her suggestion weighed heavily in this decision.她的建议对作出这一决定起了重要作用。My suggestion was given a tepid response.我的提议没什么回应。The suggestion was greeted with a murmur of assent.这个建议只有人小声表示同意。At my suggestion, Mrs Carey wrote to her former employer.在我建议之下,凯里夫人给她的前雇主写了信。Perhaps he'd followed her suggestion of a stroll to the river.也许他已经听从了她的建议去河边散步了。They were careful to avoid any suggestion of impropriety. 他们小心谨慎,任何有不得体之嫌的事都不去做。There's some suggestion that a backhander was involved.有些人提出说此事涉及贿赂。Her reaction to his suggestion was favourable.她对他的建议表示赞同。They weren't very responsive to my suggestion. 他们对我的建议反应不很积极。Can I make a suggestion? Try adding a little more flour.我能不能提个建议?再加一点面粉试试看。I would challenge the, er, suggestion that we're in third place.我不太同意,呃,我们位居第三的说法。Mr. Fitchel said he made the suggestion in a memo to his superiors.费切尔先生说,他是在写给上司的一封便笺里提出这个建议的。Your suggestion goes before the board of directors next week.你的建议定在下星期提交董事会审议。We kicked that suggestion around and in the end decided to go ahead.我们对那个提议进行了讨论,最后决定着手进行。She had noticed a definite twinkle in his eye at the suggestion.她注意到,他一听见这个提议,眼睛明显亮了起来。




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