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词汇 line
例句 UK immigration procedures will have to be changed to bring them into line with the latest European ruling.英国的移民程序必须进行修改,以便和欧洲的最新规定保持一致。There was a line of bald trees silhouetted against the horizon.在地平线上现出一排光秃秃的树。His facts were correct all along the line.他掌握的事实完全正确。Mrs Brown hung the washing on the line to dry.布朗太太把洗好的衣服挂在绳上晾干。A ridge nearby offered a grandstand view of the battle line.从附近的一道山梁上能够一览无余地看到那条战线。The red one is more in line with what I had in mind. 红色的那个和我想象中的更一致。His family lives below the poverty line.他的一家生活极端艰苦。The east coast railway line has been electrified.东海岸铁路线已经实现了电气化。A large pole was directly in my line of sight. 一根大柱子直接挡住了我的视线。We've playlisted many artists like Beth Orton who got picked up down the line by others.我们把很多像贝丝·奥顿这样的艺术家纳入了播放表,他们之后也逐渐为其他人所认识。The line extends horizontally.那条线水平延伸。The computers used to be top of the line, but they have been superseded by more recent models.这种电脑曾是最尖端的,但现在已经被更新式的型号取代了。People stood in line to touch him, believing his body had healing powers.人们排着队要来摸他,相信他的身体有治病的能力。The wings were at right angles to the line of flight.机翼与航线成直角。The operator told the caller that the line is busy.接线生告诉打电话的人对方电话占线。I beat him narrowly to the finish line. 我略微抢先于他冲过终点线。You can purchase insurance on-line.你可以在网上买保险。A line of trees served as a division between our property and theirs.一排树将我们的房产和他们的房产分隔开来。They managed to be third in line, assuring themselves of good seats for the concert.排队购票时他们设法排到了第三位,确保自己买到了音乐会的好座位。The book's title is an echo of a line from an old folk song.这本书的书名取自一首古老民歌的歌词。He comes from a long line of entertainers. 他出身于一个演艺世家。Beautiful line drawings accompany the text.文字内容旁配有好看的素描插图。Make sure you get all the details before you sign on the dotted line. 在正式签字前,要确保你已经了解了所有细节。We may vary these rates in line with interest rates.我们可能改变这些费率,使之与利率一致。He joined an old-line New York law firm.他加入了纽约一家历史悠久的律师事务所。The company recently slimmed its product line.最近公司削减了生产线。Drop me a line and let me know how you're getting on.给我写一封短信,告诉我你的近况。A line cuts the circle at two points.直线穿圆而过,与圆相交于两点。Freedie was speaking on the other end of the line.弗雷迪正在另一头接电话。There is not sufficient preponderance over enemy in the front line.在前线,我们对于敌人并没有显著的优势。Draw a second line parallel to the first.再画一条线与第一条线平行。We moved up to the front of the line.我们移到了队伍的前面。There is a thin dividing line between educating the public and creating a predisposition to panic.对公众进行教育和制造恐慌倾向之间没有明显的分界。I found it hard to follow his line of reasoning.我觉得很难跟上他的推理思路。He was stuck in a line of slow-moving traffic.他陷在缓缓移动的车流里了。They oared strongly across the finish line.他们奋力划过终点线。This brings the law into line with most medical opinion.这使得该法与绝大多数医学见解保持了一致。There are glaring weaknesses in Scotland's current line-up.苏格兰队目前的出场阵容有非常明显的缺陷。The riders brought their mounts into line.骑手们使坐骑排成一行。They blur the line between gamesmanship and cheating.他们把克敌制胜绝招与作弊混淆起来。




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