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词汇 levelled
例句 Allegations of corruption were levelled at him and his family.他和他的家人受到了贪污指控。Slowly he levelled his gun at the tiger.他慢慢地把枪对准老虎。Another accusation levelled at the Minister is that he does not understand ordinary people.另一个矛头则直指部长不懂得体恤百姓。Several criticisms have been levelled at the company's board of directors.几条批评意见直指该公司的董事会。The storm levelled sugar plantations and destroyed homes.风暴将甘蔗园夷为平地,并且摧毁了家园。The bombing levelled the village.那次轰炸已将村庄夷为平地。Elsewhere large areas have been drained and levelled for industry or intensive farming.在别处,大片区域被抽干了水或铲平了地,以作为工业或集约化农业用地。The next shot, however, levelled him to the ground.但是,接下来的一枪将他击倒在地。We need common standards, but they must be levelled up, not down.我们需要共同的标准,但这些标准必须提高而不是降低。She picked up the gun and levelled it at me.她拿起枪用枪口指着我。The site of the explosion has now been levelled out and is going to be made into a memorial garden.爆炸地点现已被夷平,准备建成一个纪念公园。Some serious allegations have been levelled against the chairman.对董事长提出了一些严重指控。The ground will have to be levelled off before we can start building.在开始施工之前我们得先把地面整平。After climbing steeply through woodland the lane levelled off.爬过陡峭的林地后,小路变平坦了。The Cincinnati Reds have levelled the score in the National League play-off against the Pittsburgh Pirates.在国家联盟季后赛中,辛辛那提红人队扳平了与匹兹堡海盗队的比分。After climbing steeply, the path levelled off.过了陡坡以后,小路就变平坦了。Allegations of brutality and theft have been levelled at the army.有人指控军队中存在暴行和盗窃行为。He said thousands of Koreans still levelled guns at one another along the demilitarised zone between them.他说在非军事区两边仍然有数以千计的韩国和朝鲜军人用枪互相瞄准对方。The road steepened and then levelled out suddenly.路变得陡直起来,然后又突然变平坦了。Criticism has been levelled at senior figures in the industry.该行业的高层人物受到了公开谴责。Charges of corruption have been levelled against him.有关腐败的指控纷纷指向了他。Bombs levelled a large part of the town.炸弹把城里很大一部分地区夷为了平地。Andy levelled the revolver at me menacingly.安迪恶狠狠地将左轮手枪对准了我。A number of accusations have been levelled against Hutchinson by his former colleagues.哈钦森以前的同事对他提出了好几项指控。He had been hurt by the criticism levelled at him by Barnes.巴恩斯对他的批评刺痛了他的心。Hundreds of houses were levelled by the tornado.数百幢房子被龙卷风夷为平地。He levelled bitter criticism against the U.S.他对美国进行了猛烈的抨击。The Duchess levelled a deadly look at Nikko.女公爵目光冷峻地盯着尼科。The panel levelled stinging criticism at the US Justice Department.特别小组对美国司法部提出了尖刻批评。




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