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词汇 keyed up
例句 Travis was keyed up at the thought of seeing Rosie again.想到又要见到罗茜,特拉维斯很兴奋。He always gets keyed up about tests.他考试前总是会感到很紧张。She was keyed up the coming examination.她对即将来临的考试感到非常紧张。She always gets very keyed up before an exam.她在考试前经常很紧张。This affair keyed up the existing tension.这一事件使已存在的紧张局势更加恶化了。My brother was all keyed up when he thought of the examination.我的兄弟一想到考试就非常紧张。The students were all keyed up for the test.所有学生都对测验感到紧张。His speech greatly keyed up the team for the football match.他的讲话大大激励了球队踢好这场比赛。The audience was keyed up for her performance.她的表演让观众感到非常兴奋。I was too keyed up to sleep.我紧张得睡不着觉。He keyed up all the strings of his violin before his performance.他在表演前将小提琴所有的弦都调好了。I wasn't able to sleep that night, I was so keyed up.我那天晚上太激动了,都睡不着。




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