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词汇 justify
例句 The chief of police tried to justify his actions.警察局长试图为自己的行为辩解。We can't justify wasting food when half the world is hungry.世界上有一半人在挨饿,我们没有理由浪费食物。It's hard to justify the cost of a new car right now. = It's hard to justify spending money on a new car right now.现在很难为花钱买新车找到正当理由。He tried to justify his behavior by saying that he was being pressured unfairly by his boss.他试图为自己的行为辩解,说是老板不当逼迫所致。The rewards may well justify the risks.回报将充分证明冒险是划得来的。How can they justify the killing of innocent people?他们怎么能为杀害无辜开脱?We don't believe that they have the economic reforms in place which would justify putting huge sums of Western money into their pockets.我们认为他们并没有让经济改革步入正轨,因此不存在把巨额西方资金送进他们口袋的正当理由。Can you really justify the destruction of such a fine old building?你确实能为毁坏这样一幢精美的古建筑找出正当的解释吗?Your state of anxiety does not justify your being so rude to me.你心情焦急不能成为你对我如此粗暴的理由。She tried to explain/defend/justify her actions.她极力为自己的行为做解释/辩护/辩解。I don't have to justify myself to you or anyone else.我不需要为我的行为向你或任何人解释。Domestic conditions did not justify a loosening of monetary policy.国内的情况并不足以成为放松货币政策的正当理由。The fact that we are at war does not justify treating innocent people as criminals.虽然我们处于交战状态,并不代表可以把无辜者当作罪犯对待。How can you possibly justify charging four pounds for a glass of beer?你怎么解释一杯啤酒要收四英镑?I give myself treats and justify them to salve my conscience.我常犒劳自己一番,然后找个说辞让自己良心稍安。He maintained that he could and would justify the alleged libel.他坚持说他能够而且将要证明被指控的诽谤罪名不成立。You have the right to be illogical and not to have to justify yourself.你有权漠视逻辑,也有权不为自己辩解。The pursuit of good ends does not justify the employment of bad means.追求的目的正当并不证明可以使用不好的手段。They invoked Hindu scripture to justify their position.他们援引印度教的经文为他们的立场辩护。We can justify the company's absorption of higher manufacturing costs.我们可以证明公司支付更高的制作成本是合理的。The facts of this case do not justify a finding of negligence.根据案情不能作出过失犯罪的裁决。He found it very difficult to justify his decision.他觉得很难为自己的决定作出合理解释。We'll always justify our actions with noble sounding theories.我们总会用听起来非常高尚的理论为我们的行动辩护。You can't justify what you did a posteriori.你无法通过事实证明你所做的这一切是对的。How can you justify your actions?你如何为你的行为辩护?The minister was shouted down as he tried to justify the government's decision.当部长企图为政府的决定辩解时,他的声音被听众的喊叫声压了下去。Click on this icon to align or justify text.点击这个图标使文本排齐。I don't think anyone can justify spending so much money on weapons.我认为谁都无法为花费这么多军费作合理解释。There is not enough evidence to justify such accusations.证据尚不足以证明这些指控是正确的。You'll be expected to justify your actions.你将需要为你的行为提供正当的理由。This does not justify the denial of constitutional protection.这不能成为剥夺他人受宪法保护权利的正当理由。He would seize upon any excuse to justify himself.他会利用任何借口来为自己辩解。The body of the essay must justify the introduction and conclusion.文章的主体必须印证引言和结尾部分。Why should I have to justify myself when it was their fault?那是他们的错,为什么我要为自己的行为辩解?No argument can justify a war.任何理由都不能为战争开脱。The threat does not justify government intervention.这一威胁不是政府进行干预的正当理由。Ministers must appear before parliament and justify their actions.大臣们必须就自己的行为向议会作出解释。How can you justify the expense?你如何对这笔开支作出解释?In the case of torture, the end can never justify the means.就酷刑而言,目的永远无法证明手段的正当性。We'll always justify our actions with noble-sounding theories.我们总会用听起来非常高尚的理论为我们的行动辩护。




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