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词汇 hereditary
例句 The hereditary disease is transmitted recessively.这种遗传疾病是隐性遗传的。Genetic engineers transpose or exchange bits of hereditary material from one organism to the next.遗传工程师将某一生物的小段遗传物质调换到另一生物,或与其互换。The position of the head of state is hereditary.国家元首的职位是世袭的。Most people in Parliament have no hereditary claims to power or status.议会里的大多数人都没有世袭的权力或地位。British Prime Ministers are traditionally offered hereditary peerages.按照传统,英国首相是要获授世袭贵族爵位的。Hemophilia is a rare, hereditary disease whose incidence rate is very low.血友病是一种罕见的遗传性疾病,感染率很低。Scientists were gradually coming to the conclusion that the disease was hereditary.科学家慢慢地得出了结论,即这种疾病是遗传的。Cystic fibrosis is the commonest fatal hereditary disease.囊性纤维化是最常见的致命性遗传疾病。The position is hereditary. 这个职位是世袭的。He suffers from a rare hereditary condition.他患有一种罕见的遗传病。His own father is an hereditary peer.他本人的父亲是一名世袭贵族。In men, hair loss is hereditary.男性脱发属于遗传。The baby was tested prenatally for hereditary diseases.这个婴儿在出生前查出患有遗传性疾病。Some regimes are governed by hereditary rulers.一些政府由世袭统治者统治。Depression is often hereditary.抑郁症常常是遗传的。The tendency to become obese is at least in part hereditary.发胖至少有一部分原因在于遗传。




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