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词汇 heavy rain
例句 The big day dawned with a howling wind and heavy rain.那个重大的日子天一亮就狂风咆哮,大雨倾盆。As she lingered over her coffee, the sky began to darken and heavy rain clouds swept in.她慢慢地喝着咖啡,天色开始暗了下来,天空中乌云密布。The practice session was abbreviated due to heavy rain.训练课因大雨而缩短了。They're predicting heavy rain for tomorrow.他们预报明天会下大雨。The heavy rain made it necessary to close several roads.大雨使得有必要封闭几条马路。After a heavy rain, the country roads were souped.一阵大雨后,乡村的道路变得泥泞不堪。The heavy rain lodged the crops.暴雨使庄稼倒伏。In heavy rain, we struck out across the valley.我们在大雨中毅然动身穿过峡谷。The heavy rain caused the bridge to wash out.大雨使桥被冲走。 The heavy rain can't keep me from going out.大雨阻挡不了我外出。We departed in the midst of a heavy rain.我们在大雨中离去。Weeks of heavy rain have washed away roads and bridges.几周的大雨将道路和桥梁都冲垮了。Because of heavy rain, the river may overflow its banks.因为下大雨,河水可能会泛滥,漫过河岸。The flames were quenched by heavy rain.大雨浇灭了熊熊燃烧的大火。They had been buffeted by pounding waves and heavy rain for hours.他们已经被巨浪和暴雨猛烈拍打了好几个小时。A heavy rain drenched the travellers.一阵大雨把游客都淋得湿透了。The river was in flood after the heavy rain.大雨过后河水泛滥了。The heavy rain has led to serious flooding in some areas.大雨造成有些地区爆发严重水灾。The ground was soft after the heavy rain.大雨过后,地面松软。The heavy rain washed gulleys in the sand.那场大雨在沙地上冲出一条条沟。After the heavy rain the dirt road was a mush.大雨过后,泥路泥泞不堪。They all got a ducking in the heavy rain.他们在大雨中都淋得浑身湿透。The heavy rain retarded our arrival by seventy minutes.大雨使我们推迟了七十分钟才到达。The heavy rain beat down the crops.大雨冲倒了庄稼。The stream is swollen because of the heavy rain.天下了大雨,溪水涨了。The peach trees cast all their blossoms after the heavy rain.大雨过后,桃花全部落掉。The teacher didn't come on time because the heavy rain kept him back.老师没能及时来,因为大雨把他给耽搁了。We had good weather apart from one day of heavy rain.除了有一天下大雨,我们遇到的都是好天气。The fields were flooded with the heavy rain.田地被大雨淹没了。The heavy rain driving against the windows made the room prematurely dark.暴雨敲打着窗户,房间早早就暗了下来。The country road scabbed after a heavy rain.雨后的乡间小道变得坑洼不平。After heavy rain, the little stream becomes a raging torrent.暴雨过后,小溪变成了汹涌的洪流。The fields were under water after the heavy rain.大雨之后田地被淹。 The heavy rain triggered a mudslide.暴雨引发了泥流。The door and windows were bedashed with heavy rain.门窗受到大雨拍击。The heavy rain driving against the windows made the room prematurely dark.打在窗户上的暴雨使房间提前暗了下来。Eastern regions will have heavy rain today.东部区域今天将有大雨。The heavy rain extinguished the conflagration.大雨扑灭了这场大火。The heavy rain was hardly calculated to lend a certain buoyancy to the spirits.滂沱大雨自然使人鼓不起一点轻松愉快的兴致。The heavy rain ruined our holiday.大雨把我们的假期彻底搞毁了。




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