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词汇 head back
例句 She tilted her head back to look at him.她仰起头来看他。She tiredly leaned her head back.她疲惫地把头向后仰。She swung her head back in horror at the sight of so much blood.一看到这么多血,她害怕得把脸转了过去。The car peeled off and headed back to the U.S.Embassy.汽车离开车队,掉头开往美国大使馆。Mari tilted her head back so that she could look at him.玛丽仰起头,以便能够看到他。He wagged his head back and forth.他前后摆动着脑袋。He tossed his head back.他突然转过头。Blanche swung at her but she moved her head back and Blanche missed.布兰奇挥手朝她打去,但她头向后一闪,布兰奇没有打到。The dog threw his head back and barked sharply.那只狗把头向后一扬,发出刺耳的吠叫。I forced his head back.我使劲向后扳他的头。She rested in her chair with her head back.她头向后靠在椅子里休息。We headed back to the station.我们掉头回车站。She threw her head back and laughed.她仰头大笑起来。One of the men grabbed Tom's hair and yanked his head back.其中一名男子抓住汤姆的头发把他的头拽了回来。She walked along, zigzagging with her head back.她回头看着,弯弯扭扭地向前走去。He changed his mind and headed back to Nanjing.他改变主意回南京去了。Newington threw his head back and cackled with laughter.纽因顿仰头大笑。He leaned away from her, and she had to tip her head back to see him.他倾着身子避开她,她不得不把头向后歪着看他。I climb the stile and head back across a pasture.我爬过梯磴,往回穿过一片牧场。Let's head back home.我们回家吧。Making a sharp U-turn, she headed back.她猛地掉转车头,往回开。Anna throws her head back and emits a throaty laugh of irrepressible lust.安娜向后仰起头,发出一声低沉的笑声,带着压抑不住的欲望。Then she throws her head back and laughs loudly, as do I.她随即仰起头哈哈大笑,我也一样。He headed back towards the flea market and was quickly swallowed up in the crowd.他转身朝跳蚤市场走去,很快淹没在人群中。After lunch, we headed back to the office.吃过午饭,我们返回办公室。He threw his head back and laughed out loud.他仰头大笑。They leaned their heads back.他们把头向后靠。He took off at once and headed back to the motel.他立刻离开,回到汽车旅馆。The baby drowsed his head back in the crook of her arm.婴孩的头一动不动地在她的臂弯里偎着。Emilio tilted his head back and laughed good-naturedly.埃米利奥向后歪了歪头,和蔼地笑了。One of the jets peeled off from the formation and headed back.有一架喷气式飞机脱离编队返航。As we headed back to Calais, the coach was badly delayed by roadworks.返回加来时,由于道路施工,我们乘坐的长途大巴严重误点。The driver made/did a quick U-turn and headed back north.司机迅速掉头,向北返回。




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