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词汇 federal
例句 They plotted the attack in retaliation for the attack by federal agents on the camp.他们策划了这次袭击行动以报复联邦探员进攻他们的营地。He mobilized public support for federal action.他动员公众支持联邦行动。The newspaper reported that he had supplemented his income with thousands of dollars from the federal budget.报纸上报道说他中饱私囊,侵吞了数千美元的联邦预算。Frye was arrested on state and federal charges, but he managed to beat the rap.弗赖伊因州和联邦指控被逮捕,但他还是逃脱了罪责。He is under indictment for perjury by two federal grand juries.他因伪证罪被两个联邦大陪审团起诉。The federal government tried to control rising health-care costs.联邦政府试图控制日益高涨的医疗保健费用。There is enough leeway in the federal budget.联邦预算中有足够的周转余地。Because Forbes was using his own money, he was not restricted by federal limits on campaign spending.因为福布斯用的是他自己的钱,他的竞选开支不受联邦政府规定上限的约束。When the development bubble burst, federal regulators started probing the balance sheets of the biggest banks.房地产开发泡沫破灭后,联邦监管机构开始调查审计各家大型银行的资产负债表。The consent decree required the state to institute certain programs that were not required by federal law.双方同意的判决要求该州制定联邦法律没有要求的若干方案。The legislation must work at both the federal and state levels.这项立法必须在联邦和州两个层面上都适用。There are proposals for the immediate withdrawal of federal troops from the province.有人提议,联邦军队应立即撤离该省。Drake is in a federal prison in Houston, awaiting trial on charges of cocaine trafficking.德雷克被关押在休斯顿联邦监狱,因贩卖可卡因而候审。The federal government continues to gouge airports with exorbitant rents.联邦政府继续迫使机场支付高得离谱的租金。Most people want to see new federal gun laws introduced.大多数人希望看到新的联邦枪支管理法案出台。He was being investigated by federal officials but he somehow managed to put them off the/his scent.联邦官员正在调查他,但他不知怎么地设法摆脱了他们。Most of the project is being paid for by federal monies.工程大部分由联邦款项支付。He is serving a life sentence at a federal penitentiary.他被判终身监禁,正在联邦监狱服刑。The case was tried in a federal court.这起案件由联邦法院审理。They didn't want the federal government parceling out food supplies.他们不希望联邦政府分配食品供给。The bank claims its hands are tied by federal regulators.银行声称受到联邦监管机构的约束,帮不了忙。We have complied with federal law every step of the way.整个过程中我们每一步都是符合联邦法律的。The state is asking for federal disaster relief. 这个州正在请求联邦救灾款。You want to know how the state spends every federal dollar it receives?你想知道这个州如何使用联邦政府所拨资金吗?We will reduce the federal budget deficit.我们一定要减少联邦政府的预算赤字。He proposes that businesses should pay taxes to the federal government.他提议企业应该向联邦政府纳税。More vigorous action is needed to force the federal army to disengage.需要更强有力的行动来迫使联邦军队撤军。Through the help of powerful Senators, the firm has successfully dodged most federal environmental regulations.在一些有权势的参议员的帮助之下,这家公司成功地避开了大多数的联邦环保条例。There is strong support here for the tough economic reforms ordained in the federal capital, Prague.这里的人们坚决支持由联邦首都布拉格下令进行的强有力的经济改革。Senate negotiators further narrowed their differences over the level of federal spending for anti-drug programs.关于联邦政府在反毒品项目上的支出问题,参议院的谈判代表们进一步缩小了分歧。The welfare scam was costing the federal government hundreds of thousands of dollars.福利欺诈使联邦政府损失惨重。The city council had continued to overspend, assuming that the federal government would come to the rescue.市政会继续超支,以为联邦政府会资助他们。Congress has thus far been unwilling to support an increase in federal taxes.国会迄今为止还不愿支持增加联邦政府税。We feel the federal government has bumbled this operation.我们认为联邦政府把这次行动搞砸了。Many legal issues are within the competence of individual states rather than the federal government.许多法律事务都属于各州的权限范围,而不属于联邦政府。The federal government is offering attractive tax breaks to corporations that relocate in areas of high unemployment.联邦政府向搬迁到高失业率地区的公司提供诱人的减税优惠。They collect clothing with FBI insignia on it so they can pretend to be federal agents.他们收集有联邦调查局标记的衣服,借此可以假扮联邦探员。They are proscribed by federal law from owning guns.根据联邦法律的规定,他们不准拥有枪支。He is the go-to politician for all federal matters in the state.他是州里遇到联邦事务时必找的政客。Unused federal funds will be redistributed to other states.未使用的联邦基金将被重新分配到其他州。




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