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All plants like to grow up towards the sunlight.所有植物都喜朝阳生长。I didn't want my child to grow up in the knowledge that its father was a mercenary.我不想让孩子在成长过程中知道自己父亲曾是一名雇佣兵。You could put a trellis on your wall and train plants to grow up it.你可以在墙上搭个棚架,让植物沿着它往上长。You're not helping the children by mollycoddling them - they have to grow up sometime.你娇惯孩子对他们没好处——他们总得长大的。It's time for him to grow up and start accepting his responsibilities.现在他该懂事了,要开始承担责任了。Do tell him that he's got to grow up and see sense.你去跟他说,他总得长大成人、明白事理才是。He never ever wanted to grow up.他永远也不想长大。You could even put a trellis on your walls and train plants to grow up it.你甚至可以在墙上搭置棚架,让植物攀缘其上。Kate was in a hurry to grow up, eager for knowledge and experience.凯特急于长大,渴望获取知识和经验。She's really starting to grow up now.现在,她真的开始长大了。It wasn't until my marriage ended that I really started to grow up.直到我的婚姻破裂我才真正成熟起来。He wants his children to grow up in his adopted homeland.他希望子女能在他移居的国家里长大成人。He needs to grow up some before he can live on his own.他需要再长大些才能独立生活。 |