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词汇 evaded
例句 By his own admission, he evaded taxes.他逃税,而且自己也承认。He evaded police by climbing through a window and shinning down a drainpipe.他从窗户爬出来,再沿排水管溜下,躲过了警察。He always evaded questions by repeating them – a habit that used to infuriate me.他总是重复别人的问题以此逃避回答,这个习惯曾让我很恼火。They have evaded capture/arrest. 他们躲过了抓捕/逮捕。They narrowly evaded a police car which was approaching.他们险些没避开赶过来的警车。The refugees evaded capture by hiding in the forest.难民藏在森林里以躲避被俘。He easily evaded all the interviewer's most probing questions.面试官提出的所有尖锐问题他都一一轻松化解。Responsibility could not be so easily evaded.不能这么轻易逃避责任。An Olympic gold medal is the only thing that has evaded her in her remarkable career.在其辉煌的运动生涯中,唯一没有得到的荣誉就是奥运会金牌。His reputation was blemished by a newspaper article alleging he'd evaded his taxes.由于报上一篇文章声称他曾逃税,他的名誉受到损害。Happiness, which had been so elusive in Henry's life, still evaded him.亨利生活中过去一直难以捕捉的幸福仍旧与他无缘。Jackson skilfully evaded reporters' questions.杰克逊巧妙地回避了记者的提问。Tim tried to catch her arm but she evaded him.提姆想要抓住她的手臂但她避开了他。When she sat down at her desk, she found that the words evaded her.她在桌边坐下,却觉得自己不知道说什么了。The subtleties of his argument evaded me.他机敏的辩论把我难到了。She leaned forward to kiss him but he evaded her by pretending to sneeze.她身子前倾想要吻他,可他假装打喷嚏躲开了。Steve evaded the question when I asked him why he had left work so early.我问斯蒂夫为什么这么早下班,他避而不答。His criminal activities somehow evaded detection. 他的罪行不知怎么地还没有被发现。He evaded her questions about the war and tried to explain away the atrocities.他回避了她有关战争的问题,极力为那些暴行辩解。By his own admission, he evaded taxes as a Florida real-estate speculator.他亲口承认自己在佛罗里达从事房地产投机生意时逃过税。When she sat down at her desk she found that the words evaded her.当她在桌前坐下时,却发现自己不知道该说些什么了。Up to now, success has evaded me.迄今为止,成功还离我尚远。Happiness still evaded him.他依然没有得到幸福。




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