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词汇 edges
例句 He perched himself on the table, his hands gripping the edges of it.他往桌子上一坐,两手抓着桌子边。Join the two edges of the material.把材料两边连接起来。Border tiles with two rounded edges are used for corners.有两条圆边的镶边瓷砖用来镶壁角。The carpenter rounded the edges of a board.木匠把板边修圆。He bevelled the edges of the bookcase.他将书架的边缘刨成斜面。Smear cream on to your baby's skin at the edges of the plaster to prevent it from rubbing.在宝宝贴膏药的皮肤边缘涂上护肤霜,以防止膏药擦伤皮肤。Secure the edges firmly to make certain that no moisture can get in.把边缘扣紧以防潮气进去。The edges of the carpet were torn.地毯的边缘磨破了。The surgeon shaved off the rough edges through keyhole surgery.外科医生通过锁孔手术刮除了边缘上的凸起。When assembling the pie, wet the edges where the two crusts join, to form a seal.在包馅饼时,先把两片馅饼皮边沿接头部分弄湿,再将其捏合。The project still has a few rough edges. 这个工程还有几处瑕疵需要改进。She frayed the edges of her cutoff jeans. = She frayed her cutoff jeans at the edges.她打磨了裁剪后的牛仔裤边。Their marriage is getting a little frayed around the edges.他们的婚姻开始出现裂痕。Crimp the edges to seal them tightly.把边缘折起来以便封紧。Without the unifying forces of the army and the monarchy, it seems, the nation would begin to fray at the edges.要不是军队和君主政体相结合,该国看来就会分崩离析了。The edges interlock to form a tight seal.边缘部分紧密咬合在一起,形成了严密的密封垫。The blocks have rounded edges that are safer for small children.积木的边是圆的,给幼儿玩起来较为安全。This creates a spectrum of colours at the edges of objects which blurs the image.这在物体的边缘形成了一道色谱,使图像变得模糊不清。Cover the pastry with the top piece, sealing well and crimping the edges.把奶脂浇在油酥面团上,包住边缘并捏出花边。My fingers played with the frayed edges of my jeans.我用手指摆弄着牛仔裤磨损的边缘。Be sure to wear gloves when smoothing mirror edges.磨平镜子边缘时一定要戴手套。For all his rough edges, O'Connor possesses an unerring ability to score goals.尽管奥康纳仍有不足之处,但是他具有精准无误地射门得分的能力。Fold over the four edges to form a square parcel.把四个边折起来,做一个方包裹。She filed down the rough edges on the casting.她把铸件的粗糙边缘锉平。Her washing machine tends to fray edges on intricate designs.她的洗衣机经常会把织物上的一些复杂图案的边缘磨坏。Turn under and hem the outer edges.翻下来缝外侧的边。When assembling the pie, wet the edges where the two crusts join.捏合馅饼时,要弄湿两张饼皮粘连的地方。The car's rounded edges reduce drag.这辆汽车的圆形边缘降低了空气阻力。There are rough edges to be smoothed out.有一些瑕疵需要弥补。Position the tiles, leaving a narrow gap between the edges.放好瓦片,边缘之间留一条缝隙。The photograph was brown and curling at the edges.照片发黄了,边儿都卷了起来。The paper was brown and crinkly at the edges.这份报纸泛黄了,纸边起了褶皱。A soft-focus filter takes away the harsh edges.柔焦滤镜让图像轮廓变得柔和。The edges of the cloth should be turned in and sewn firmly.这块布的边应当折进并缝牢。Some of the tiles are crumbling around the edges.有一些瓷砖的边缘碎裂了。A leaf was on the ground, curling up at the edges.地上有一片叶子,叶边卷曲着。A trellis provided shade and defined the edges of the courtyard.植物攀爬棚既提供了阴凉,又划出了庭院的边界。The cotton had begun to fray at the edges.棉布的边缘处已经开始磨损。The document was yellow and its edges had curled inward.文件已泛黄了,页边向内卷起。The edges must overlap each other or weeds will push through the gaps.边缘必须互搭在一起,否则杂草会从缝隙中钻出来。




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