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例句 Sheena has had these stomach pains before, but the doctors think they have found an explanation this time.希娜以前也这样肚子痛过,但这一次医生相信他们已经找到原因了。Please be on time just this once.这一次请准时。For once, Karen seemed unconcerned about the possibility of being late for class.只有这一次,卡伦似乎不担心上课可能迟到。This time it looks as if we're really going to get somewhere.这一次看起来我们真的会取得一些进展。Are you really going to make a better job of it this time?这一次你真的能做得更好吗?The Prime Minister smiled again, this time a trifle frostily.首相又笑了笑,这一次有点冷淡。This time there was no one around to get him off the hook.这一次,没有人能帮他脱离困境。We will all profit from the experience.我们大家都将从这一次经验中得到好处。He was married for the second time, this time to a Belgian.他第二次结婚,这一次是和一个比利时人。You've done some fool things in your time, but this beats everything.你以前也干过些蠢事,但没有一件比得上这一次I have had several relationships before, but this is special.我以前跟好几个人有过关系,可是这一次很特别。I didn't know whether his story was true or not, but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.我不知道他说的是真是假,不过我决定姑且相信他这一次We will all profit by the experience.我们大家都将从这一次经验中得到好处。For once he was telling the truth.他就这一次说了真话。For once Colin was speechless.科林这一次哑口无言了。This time you've played the game by the book, reported everything, withheld nothing.这一次你倒是中规中矩,该汇报的都汇报了,也没有任何隐瞒。She was narrowly beaten in the previous election, but she won this time.在上一次选举中,她被对手险胜,但这一次她获胜了。It looks like Jamie has left for good this time.这一次杰米看起来是永远离开了。Go on, lend me the car, just this once.好啦,把车借给我吧,就这一次This time he was contentiously omitted from the team.这一次他有争议地落选了球队。The teacher let him off the hook with a warning this time.这一次老师放过他,只给了一个警告。Union leaders are again in conflict with management, this time over job losses.工会领袖又一次跟资方发生了冲突,这一次是为了工作岗位减少的问题。How long do you think Jason will stay around this time?你认为贾森这一次会逗留多久?My infant for once lay quiet in his cradle.我的婴儿这一次总算安静地躺在摇篮里。She's gone and this time it's for good.她走了,这一次是永不回头了。It's really stressful when you know that your whole future may be riding on this one interview.当你知道你的全部前途可能就取决于这一次面试时,可真叫人感到紧张。She was able, for once, to relax.只有这一次,她能够放松一下。We can suspend the rules just this once.这一次我们可以暂且不按规定办了。I figured if we gave in to them this time, they'd be back for another fight.我估计如果我们这一次向他们屈服,他们还会回来找我们再战。You haven't been on another spending spree, have you? What did you buy this time?你又疯狂购物了?这一次又买了什么呢?The house was beautifully quiet for once.这所房子只有这一次非常安静。For the occasion the town square was lit up by coloured globes strung together.为了这一次盛会,市镇广场上点起了一串串彩色灯泡。On this occasion, as it happens, the engine started immediately.这一次碰巧引擎一下子就启动了。Most fire investigations are pretty cut and dried, but this one has left more questions than answers.大部分的火灾调查都很简单,但是这一次的却有很多问题还无法回答。For once, fortune was on our side: the weather improved in time for the game.这一次好运终于眷顾了我们:比赛前天气及时好转。This time it came in the reverse direction.这一次它是从相反的方向来的。His smile, for once, was genuine.只有这一次,他真诚地笑了。This time he's gone too far.这一次他太过分了。She picked herself up and started the dance again, determined not to make a hash of it this time.她爬起来开始继续跳舞,下决心这一次不能再搞砸了。Just for once, let me make my own decision.这一次让我自己作决定吧。




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