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例句 There's supposed to be treasure buried around here.据推测这一带埋着宝藏。It's the only shop I know round here that stocks X-mas cards.我知道附近这一带只有这一家商店出售圣诞卡。There is a maniac loose out here.这一带有个逃出来的疯子。This is one of the better restaurants in this part of town.这是城里这一带档次较高的餐厅之一。We don't get many tourists in these parts.我们这一带没有多少游客。Do you know any good restaurants in this area?你知道这一带有什么好的餐馆吗?It is a dangerous part of town - there are thieves and junkies everywhere.城里的这一带很危险—到处都有窃贼和吸毒的人。You are so lucky to live here with all this lovely countryside around you.乡间这一带景色宜人,你能住在这里真走运。Is there any place in the neighborhood where I can get a quick lunch?这一带有什么地方我可以很快吃个午饭的吗?His manners would ingratiate him with the housewives of the district.他的彬彬有礼的态度会使他博得这一带主妇们的欢心。It can be pretty cold here, even in spring.即使在春季,这一带有时仍然会很冷。The fields hereabout are fertile.这一带的土地很肥沃。It's the only good garden centre around here.这是这一带唯一的一家不错的园艺中心。New upscale shops and restaurants are driving some of the older businesses out of the neighborhood.新开的高级商铺和餐厅把这一带原有的部分商店挤走了。He knew every nook and cranny of the area.他对这一带的一草一木都了如指掌。It's a bit chilly and empty hereabouts.这一带有些寒冷空旷。Heavy truck traffic disturbed the neighbourhood.重型卡车的来来往往扰乱了这一带的安宁。Only the occasional village served as a reminder that the country was inhabited.唯有偶尔出现的村庄提醒人们这一带乡间有人居住。If you're ever down our way again, do drop in.你若是再来我们这一带,一定过来玩玩。This area is a nesting ground/place/site for seagulls. 这一带是海鸥筑巢的地方。This part is too deep for swimming. I can't touch bottom.这一带水太深,不适于游泳,我的脚碰不到底。Passers-by in the area have been treated to some high-quality busking.路过这一带的行人听到过水平很高的街头演唱。Around here you can walk miles and miles and never see anyone.这一带你走上很长很长的路也看不到一个人。There is nothing doing around here.这一带没出什么事。The land around here is poor because of years of intensive farming.由于长年的密集耕作,这一带的土地很贫瘠。The land is flat and marshy before rising to a spine of low hills.这一带地形平坦而多沼泽,再往远去地势隆起,形成矮山陵地。Because it is an area of outstanding natural beauty, you can't build on it.考虑到这一带自然风光旖旎,你不能建在这里。The mountains hereabouts reach heights of over 2000 metres.这一带的山高达两千多米。There's a lot of flint in the rock round here.这一带岩石中有许多燧石。I'll pay you a call when I'm in the area.我到这一带来时会去拜访你的。The neighborhood is rife with illegal drug activity and violence.这一带充斥着非法毒品的活动以及暴力事件。This neighbourhood is getting run-down.附近这一带正在日渐衰落。Mrs. Griffin was evidently a big character in the neighbourhood.格里芬太太显然是这一带街坊的有名人物。All the land hereabouts is owned by the McMillan family.这一带所有的土地都是麦克米伦家族的。He knew a lot of people round here.他认识这一带的许多人。




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