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词汇 这一行
例句 This action makes a mockery of the Government's continuing protestations of concern.这一行为会使一再声明表示关切的政府成为笑柄。Lying in politics? Hell, that's just the name of the game.干政治的说谎?他妈的,那还不是这一行的老一套! On this line you need to spell out the dollar amount.你需要在这一行用文字拼写出美元金额。How long have you been doing this teaching lark?你干教书这一行有多久了?It's dog eat dog in this profession.这一行竞争残酷。Cassie works in the theatre, and she really loves it.凯茜在剧院工作,她非常喜欢这一行There are no second chances in this business.这一行不会有第二次机会。She entered the legal profession after college.她大学毕业后进入了法律这一行He learned the mason's craft.他学泥水匠这一行When I finish this row, can you show me how to cast off?我织完这一行后,你能给我演示一下如何收针吗?We are not in this to reap immense financial rewards.我们从事这一行不是为了获得巨大的经济回报。Anita Loos was in many respects untypical of the screenwriting trade.在许多方面,安妮塔·卢斯看着都不像是从事剧本创作这一行的。In this business, you have to know the rules of the game.这一行,你就得知道这一行的规矩。For a salesman, a cheap suit and a Ford Escort are the traditional tools of the trade.干推销员这一行,一套便宜的西装和一辆福特护卫者汽车一向是必不可少的。The very act of lying down in bed should provide a strong stimulus for sleep.只是躺到床上这一行为就足以引起强烈的睡意。I've been in this game for over 10 years.我干这一行已经有十多年了。The teaching profession has a low status in this country.教师这一行在这个国家地位极低。In this business, you have to learn to take the rough with the smooth.这一行,你得学着既能享乐也能吃苦。This action violated the constitution and the Civil Rights Act.这一行为违反了宪法和《民权法》的规定。There is no sexual connotation to this behaviour / behavior.这一行为没有任何性暗示。If you're going into teaching, energy is a necessary commodity.如果你要干教师这一行,必须要有充沛的精力。I commended her for that action.我对她的这一行为进行了表扬。I just drifted into nursing really.我干上护理这一行确实纯属偶然。I'm in the stocks and shares game.我干股票交易这一行In my line of work I often get home too late for dinner.干我们这一行的,经常回家太迟都吃不上晚饭。The experienced artisan would pass on the tricks of the trade to the apprentice.这位经验丰富的工匠会将这一行的诀窍传授给徒弟。There are very few openings in scientific research.科学研究这一行很少有职位空缺。My knowledge of the business is limited.我对这一行了解有限。She finally was forced to the conclusion that she wouldn't get another paid job in her field.她最后被迫得出结论:在这一行里不会再有人出钱雇她。There is a recruitment and retention crisis in the teaching profession.教师这一行存在聘人和留人的危机。It's reasonable to suppose that people go into this business in search of fame.有理由认为人们进入这一行是为了出名。This one act must drive a coach and horses through protestations that they are committed to peace.这一行为一定会将他们致力于和平的声明彻底粉碎。There's no royal road to success in this trade.这一行想成功是没有捷径的。This behaviour is indicative of her whole attitude, I'm afraid.这一行为恐怕已表明了她的态度。Origami comes from Japan, where it is still widely practised.折纸艺术源于日本,在那里现在仍然有很多人从事这一行当。He's quite brilliant in his own field.他在自己这一行里相当出色。The sledding gets tougher every year in this business.这一行的生意一年比一年难做。There was a slight flutter among those in the pews, as the procession began to ascend the aisle.这一行人开始走下教堂里的侧廊时,在坐靠背长椅的人中间有了一点骚动。He learnt his trade as a diver in the North Sea.他在北海学会了潜水员这一行的本事。Everyone knows it's a dog's life in this business.谁都知道干这一行的人生活很艰难。




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