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例句 All this had an extremely negative effect on the criminal justice system.这一切对刑事司法制度产生了极坏的影响。The lesson from all of this is perhaps a broader one.从所有这一切中得出的教训可能具有更广泛的意义。You're missing all the fun!这一切好玩儿的事情,你全错过了!Let's get down to brass tacks. Who's paying for all this?让我们先谈最基本的问题——谁为这一切买单?You can't justify what you did a posteriori.你无法通过事实证明你所做的这一切是对的。It all happened so fast.这一切那么突如其来。Is all this really true, or are you pulling my leg?这一切是真的吗,还是你在同我开玩笑?I could have wept thinking what I'd missed.想想自己错过的这一切,我真想大哭一场。All this is allied to the lack of any definite plan.这一切与缺乏明确的计划有关。Don't go telling everyone what happened. 对发生的这一切要守口如瓶。All this happened when we were living abroad.这一切发生在我们旅居国外的时候。He could never quite put his finger on who or what was responsible for all this.他一直就搞不清楚是谁或者什么造成了这一切He maintains a sense of optimism, despite all that has happened.尽管发生了这一切,他仍保持着乐观的态度。All this shows the difficulty of agreeing a definition of mysticism.这一切都说明对神秘主义下一个大家都接受的定义是困难的。She couldn't quite believe that all this was actually happening to her.她简直无法相信这一切居然真的发生在自己身上。There's a lesson to be learned from all this.我们应当从所有这一切中吸取经验。I find all this highly irritating.我发现这一切都令人非常恼火。On top of all this the management has decided to make us come in on Saturdays.除了这一切之外,管理层还决定要我们星期六也来上班。Kate, of course, was in her element, making all the arrangements.凯特安排这一切当然是得心应手。So what's Carter's involvement in all of this? What's he bringing to the party?那么卡特跟所有这一切有什么牵连呢?他能为此做些什么呢?There is no doubt about the motive behind it all.这一切背后的动机是毋庸置疑的。Somehow they stood together and kept the business going in spite of all that was going on.尽管发生了这一切,他们还是团结在一起把公司经营下去。I'm trying to clear my mind of all this.我正在努力忘掉这一切It's all irrelevant to me.这一切与我毫不相干。It is possible that there's an explanation for all this.也许,对于所有这一切,会有一种解释。It all sounds very intriguing.这一切听起来都很有趣。He had not fully grasped the fact that he was the one who would pay for all this.他还没有完全明白他要独自承担这一切代价。All this is going to cause a lot of trouble, believe you me.这一切会惹许多麻烦,相信我。All this was just designed to frighten me and keep me in line.所有这一切不过是设计好了来恐吓我、让我乖乖听话的。Bev was really cool about it all.贝芙对这一切都表现得相当平静。I had to laugh at the insanity of it all.我只得对这一切的荒唐一笑置之。I'm sure it's all a storm in a teacup, blow over in no time.我确信这一切都只是小题大做,赶紧让它过去吧。She complained at the unfairness of it all.她抗议所有这一切的不公平。All of it goes to show how little we know of each other.所有这一切都表明我们之间的相互了解少得可怜。It's pouring with rain and the flowers haven't arrived - Lynne's convinced the whole wedding is jinxed.大雨滂沱,鲜花还没有送到—这一切让林恩觉得整个婚礼倒霉透了。He leant in and kissed her as I watched enviously.他俯身亲吻她,我羡慕地看着这一切It all turned out to be sham and hypocrisy.这一切原来都是虚情假意。I washed my hands of the whole matter.这一切我都不管了。It is best to consider all this before entering upon such an undertaking.最好在开始这项工作前好好权衡这一切Mr. Lewis takes an insufferably glib attitude toward it all.刘易斯先生对这一切不以为意,令人厌恶。




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