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例句 He had other people to take care of besides me.除我之外,他还要照顾别人。The chairman also had to contend with divisions among the committee members.主席还要去解决委员会成员之间的不和。From start to finish he believed in me, often more than I did myself.他自始至终都信任我,而且经常比我自己还要相信我。The rebellion has been crushed, but mopping-up operations may take several weeks.叛乱已被粉碎,但肃清行动可能还要几个星期。His tuition is paid, but he'll work to cover his living expenses.他的学费已经付了,但是他还要打工负担自己的生活费。The doctors need to run some more tests.医生们还要进一步做一些检查。We need another table for Bruce Reed and company.我们还要为布鲁斯·里德一行添一张桌子。Billie Holiday or Bessie Smith had more personality than a hundred of today's pop singers.不管是比利·霍利迪也好,贝茜·史密斯也好,都比当今一百个流行乐歌手加起来还要有个性。The movie didn't start for another hour, so we had something to eat in the cafe across the street.电影还要过一小时才开始,于是我们在街对面的咖啡馆里吃了点东西。He's bad enough, but his brother is far worse.他够坏的了,可他哥哥比他还要坏得多。Is there anything you'd like to borrow, before your own things are unpacked?你在打开行李之前还要借什么东西吗?I'm always very aware of how much work there is still to be done.我一直很清楚还要做多少工作。She regarded poverty as a fate worse than death. 她把贫穷看作是比死亡还要悲惨的命运。Senior managers have been whispering about more job losses.高级经理们一直在私下谈论着还要裁员。The inspector's function is not merely to pronounce judgement, but also to suggest improvements.检查员的职责不仅仅是公布评判结果,还要提出改进建议。What's the hurry? The plane doesn't leave for another two hours.急什么?飞机还要两个小时才起飞呢。Their latest album is even worse than their last one.他们的新专辑甚至比上一张还要糟。You have to be well-organized and able to work under pressure. Plus, you will have a sense of humour.你必须要有条理,还要能够承受工作压力。另外,你还要有幽默感。It could easily be another year before the economy starts to show some improvement.很可能还要再等一年经济才会开始出现好转。I had to look twice and cross-check with another file to make sure I hadn't misread it.我得检查两遍,并且还要根据另一份文件来反复核对以确保我没有误读。It's not clear how much longer we'll have to wait.我们不清楚还要等多久。There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving, for instance, training lions.有些工作比开卡车还要危险,例如驯狮就是。It will take several more months to pore through the volumes of documents.要把这么多文件仔细读一遍还要再花上几个月的时间。I had an hour to wait for my flight to New York.还要等一个小时才能登上飞往纽约的班机。Many months of back-breaking work still face them.他们还要面对很多个月的繁重工作。If you two don't stop fighting about what to watch I'm going to send you to your room.如果你们俩还要为看哪个节目吵下去,我就让你们回到房间里去。How much longer does the independent prosecutor have a mandate to pursue this investigation?.独立检察官受命调查这件事还要多长时间?He's already been to Tunisia, and is to go on to Morocco and Mauritania.他已经去过突尼斯了,还要去摩洛哥和毛里塔尼亚。How much longer do we have to wait out her? I'm freezing.我们还要在外面等多久?我冻死了。As well as being nutritious, food needs to be visually attractive.食物除了要有营养,还要在视觉上吸引人。I think I'll put on another load of washing.我想我还要把一堆衣服放进去洗。If you keep fooling around that gun you'll be leaving this camp feet first.如果你还要瞎摆弄那支枪,就得横着离开这个营地了。I cannot envisage myself playing again next season.我无法想象自己下一个赛季还要比赛。Living alone and trying to bring up a small daughter is no easy task.独自生活还要抚养一个小女儿并非易事。Tomorrow will be a very full day. You have several clients to see and two meetings in the afternoon.明天的日程非常紧密。你要会见几个客户,下午还要开两个会。Sales are down but that's only the half of it—the company is closing several stores.销量下降了,更糟糕的是,公司还要关闭好几家门店呢。His views on dating are more conventional than those of some of his friends.他对男女约会的看法比他的一些朋友的观点还要老套。The lesson lasted all morning, and seemed to go even more slowly than usual.那节课上了一整个上午,似乎比平时过得还要慢。There is, in addition, one further point to make.除此之外,还要说明一点。I plumb forgot to pick up the children.我完全忘了还要接小孩。




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