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词汇 allowing
例句 The ground became swamped, allowing no escape.地面成了一片泥沼,无法逃脱。The ball was bobbled momentarily, allowing Holloway to race home.球一时间漏了,使得霍洛韦跑垒成功。I would like to thank them for allowing me to develop their original idea.我想感谢他们允许我深入完善他们最初的想法。The Red Cross has arranged two local ceasefires, allowing non-combatants to receive medical help.红十字会已经安排了两次地区停火,以使平民能够接受医疗救助。Thank you for writing and allowing me to clarify the present position.感谢你来信,并允许我阐明目前的立场。Thank you for writing and allowing me to clarify the present position.谢谢你的来信,并允许我阐明目前的立场。He said it was just not permissible to postpone the main issue by allowing business to carry on as usual.他说决不允许因为日常工作而耽搁了重大问题。They made me wait for half an hour before allowing me to see my father.他们故意让我等了半个小时才允许我见父亲。Tools are made by pouring liquid metal into a mould and allowing it to cool and solidify.工具是把金属熔液注入模具,让它冷却凝固后制成的。Not allowing her to speak in her own defence was a travesty of justice.不允许她为自己辩护是对司法的嘲弄。It removes deeply embedded dirt and grease so allowing your horse's skin to breathe more easily.它可以清除厚积的尘垢和油脂,让马的皮肤更加自在地呼吸。The woman nodded and stood back, allowing Patrick to enter.那女人点点头,退后让帕特里克进去。The school is considering allowing older students to leave the campus for lunch on Fridays, but I'm concerned that if we give them an inch, they'll take a mile. 学校正在考虑允许高年级学生星期五在校外吃午餐,但我担心这些学生会得寸进尺。Underdeveloped countries should be assisted by allowing them access to modern technology.应该通过提供现代技术来帮助不发达国家。They shouldn't be allowing Phil to hog all the attention.他们不应该让菲尔占尽风头。The device has a single button, allowing for easy operation.这个装置只有一个按钮,操作很方便。After a while the rain stopped, allowing the game to continue.过了一会儿雨停了,比赛得以继续。The Church voted to set in motion the process allowing women to be priests.教会投票决定启动允许妇女当牧师的程序。You can sell it to them at a set wholesale price, allowing them to mark it up for retail.你可以以固定的批发价出售给他们,这样他们可以提高零售价格。Mark does have a habit of allowing his temperament to get the better of him.马克的确经常由着自己的性子来。He accused the local council of allowing a needless tragedy, through a policy of not fitting smoke detectors to council houses.他指责地方议会不在市建住房里安装烟雾报警器的政策酿成了一场不必要的悲剧。I am not allowing myself to get carried away.我不会让自己忘乎所以。A general amnesty was granted, allowing political exiles to return freely.颁布的大赦令准许流亡政治犯自由返国。But allowing a criminal to go free is perhaps the lesser of two evils if the alternative is imprisoning an innocent person.放走一个罪犯也许比把一个无辜者关进监狱要好一些。Cockburn engaged in a flight of fancy, never once allowing facts to get in the way.科伯恩一直在想入非非,从不曾考虑现实状况。We should deal with these problems now instead of allowing them to fester.我们应当现在就处理这些问题,而不是让它们进一步恶化。The ball was bobbled momentarily, allowing Holloway to race home.球一下子漏了,使得霍洛韦跑垒成功。Her documentary examines the consequences of laws allowing reduced sentences for drug offenders.她的纪录片探讨了准许为涉毒案犯减刑的法律造成的后果。This book settles for rigour of text while allowing for an enlivenment of illustration.该书追求文本的准确性,同时又顾及插图的生动活泼。The minister is accused of allowing the company to breach guidelines on arms sales.部长被指控放任这家公司违反武器销售的准则。The company has reached a deal allowing it to restructure its debts.这家公司达成协议获准重组其债务。He accused them of making a pact with the devil by allowing soldiers to be stationed in the region.他指责他们,让士兵驻扎在该地区是与魔鬼做交易。They did her a great/terrible/grave injustice by not allowing her to file a complaint.他们不允许她抗议,这对她极其不公平。I'm acting against my better judgment in allowing you to get engaged.我允许你订婚是违心的。The government passed laws allowing the police to tap telephones.政府通过了允许警方监听电话的法令。She refused his offer tactfully, allowing him to go away with his pride intact.她很得体地拒绝了他的提议,让他能不失面子地离开。The monks lead a frugal life, allowing themselves only the bare essentials.僧侣们过着节俭的生活,只允许自己使用最基本的生活必需品。The authorities have failed so far to enact a law allowing unrestricted emigration.当局至今未能通过允许自由移民的法律。I haven't even begun to think about quitting, or having a last hurrah, or allowing my career to wind down.不论是突然退出、来个告别演出,还是逐渐淡出,我甚至完全都没有考虑过。I admired her all the more for allowing them to ridicule her and never striking back.她任由他们嘲弄却从不反击,这使我对她越发敬佩。




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