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He is counting on winning seats and perhaps a share in the new government of Macedonia.他正期望着能赢得一些席位,或许还能成为马其顿新政府的一员。Many countries refused to recognize Macedonia.许多国家拒绝承认马其顿。The republic's new flag was emblazoned with the ancient symbol of the Greek Macedonian dynasty.共和国新国旗上醒目地印着希腊马其顿王朝的古老标志。Rival claims to Macedonian territory caused conflict in the Balkans.多方主张拥有对马其顿的领土主权,结果在巴尔干地区引发了冲突。The Macedonian question had failed to get on to the agenda.马其顿问题没能列入议事日程。 |