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词汇 disregarded
例句 They may retaliate with sanctions on other products if the bans are disregarded.如果这些禁令被置之不理,他们可能会采取报复措施,对其他商品进行制裁。Capable of killing a man within seconds, these dogs, once on the kill, disregarded commands to stop.这些狗能在几秒钟内把人咬死,所以一旦想咬就不会听从停止的命令。He disregarded the fortune teller's foreboding that the trip would end in disaster.他不理睬算命人的预言,说是此行将以灾难告终。He disregarded his father's advice and left school.他不顾父亲的建议而辍学了。They disregarded safety procedures and that's why the accident happened.他们轻视安全程序,这就是发生事故的原因。He disregarded my advice.他无视我的忠告。He cavalierly disregarded their advice.他对他们的建议不予理睬。He disregarded the advice of his executives.他对主管们的建议置若罔闻。They disregarded his position as head coach.他们不把他主教练的身份当回事。She disregarded these warnings and determined on discovering how to photograph as anonymously as possible.她不顾警告,决心找到尽可能以匿名方式摄影的办法。He audaciously disregarded all of their concerns.他很狂妄,不理会他们的所有关切。Mark totally disregarded my advice.马克完全不听我的建议。




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