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词汇 died
例句 At last, the music died away.音乐声终于渐渐消失。When her mother died, she found consolation in her religious beliefs.她母亲去世后,她在宗教信仰中找到了安慰。His interest in the project declined after his wife died.妻子死后,他对该项目的兴趣逐渐淡薄了。He died of natural causes. 他是自然死亡的。The rest of her family all died in a smallpox epidemic, leaving her destitute.她的家人全都死于天花疫症,丢下她一个人,一贫如洗。Half of the prisoners died after torture and starvation.半数的囚犯死于拷打和饥饿。One man died when he was struck by lightning.一名男子被闪电击中死亡。They were afraid of going to hell when they died.他们害怕死后下地狱。I nearly died of shame.我羞愧难当。He died from an overdose of alcohol and barbiturates.他死于过量饮酒和服用巴比妥酸盐。He died at home after a long illness.久病之后他在家里死去。He died as a prisoner of war in an enemy death camp.他成为战俘,死在了敌人的死亡集中营里。The rebellion was crushed by an army assault in which over 200 people died.在军队的进攻下叛乱被镇压了下去,死了二百多人。She was heartbroken when she heard that John had died.听说约翰已经死了,她悲伤至极。He fell ill and eventually died.他得了病,最后去世了。He died in mysterious circumstances.他死得很蹊跷。Everyone on the ill-fated trip died.每个参加这次不幸之旅的人都死了。Mary never really got used to living on her own after her husband died.丈夫去世后,玛丽一直习惯不了一个人生活。He died in the First World War/the Vietnam war.他在第一次世界大战/越南战争中丧生。Grandad died peacefully in his sleep.祖父是他睡着的时候安详地去世的。The whole town is in mourning after two boys died on a school trip to the US.两名男童参加学校旅行去美国期间不幸丧生,全镇的人都在悼念。Ron nearly died when he heard what it was going to cost.罗恩听到需要付出的代价,差点儿没背过气去。The president today unveiled a memorial to those who died in the disaster.总统今天为灾难遇难者纪念碑揭了幕。He died of gunshot wounds to the head.他死于头部枪伤。She is still mourning her husband, who died last year.她仍然在哀悼去年过世的丈夫。Her father died tragically in a car crash.她的父亲在一场车祸中惨死。I'm sorry I didn't reply to your text - my phone died.对不起,我没有回你的短信,我的电话没有电了。She was made a ward of court when her parents died.父母去世以后,她由法院监护。It is likely that they would go into hiding for a few weeks, and resurface when the publicity has died down.他们很可能会躲藏几个星期,等风声过了以后再露面。She consoled him after his wife died.他妻子去世后,她给予他安慰。Two of the children couldn't escape, and died in the fire.有两名儿童逃不出来,被火烧死。James was taken to hospital but died soon afterwards.詹姆斯被送到了医院,但是很快就死了。He had been horrifically assaulted before he died.他死前曾遭到惨无人道的殴打。We must remember those who died defending their country.我们必须记住那些为了保卫自己的国家而献身的人们。Both children were taken into care when their parents died.父母死后两个孩子都被送进了收养所。Countless people have died trying to achieve basic equality for women.无数人为争取女性基本的平等权利献出了生命。It was only by the grace of God that no one died.多亏上帝保佑,大家才幸免于难。He's feeling sad because his pet died.他因为宠物死了而伤心难过。The disease gradually died out over the last two generations.这种疾病在上两代人那里逐渐消失了。The victims died when propane gas cylinders exploded.受害者是在丙烷气罐爆炸时死去的。




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