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例句 His paintings could charitably be described as unique. 他的绘画可以说还算独特。She is often described as a second Marilyn Monroe.她常常被人们称为玛丽莲‧梦露第二。Dorothy was described as a very straight woman, a very strict Christian who was married to her job.多萝西被形容成一个非常正统的女人,一个尽职尽责、非常虔诚的基督徒。It was described as a large, luxury mobile home, but there was barely room to swing a cat.那个活动房被形容为宽敞豪华,可事实上几乎连转身的地儿都没有。She was described as being very clever.据说她很聪明。He is described as an introverted teenager, with a love of horses.据说他是一个性格内向的少年,很喜欢马。Passenger services can best be described as skeletal.对乘客的服务已经少到不能再少。Those killed have been described as the flower of Polish manhood.那些牺牲者被称为波兰男子中的精英。The targets for increased productivity are described as "tough but manageable".提高生产力的目标被描述为“艰巨但可设法实现”。It cannot truly be described as an insect.严格地说,它不能算作昆虫。The suspect was described as having a blank stare after the shooting spree.据称嫌疑犯在开枪狂扫之后目光呆滞。By no stretch of the imagination could he be seriously described as an artist.无论如何也难以相信人们会正儿八经把他称为艺术家。He is always described as a madman, but I don't go along.他老被说成是个疯子,但我不同意。Prostitution is often described as the oldest profession in the world.卖淫常被描述为世界上最古老的职业。The affair is described as a collision between personality and principle.该事件被说成是个性和原则之间的碰撞。She has been described as the creative colossus of the literary world.她被誉为文坛创作巨匠。He's described as being in his late teens, tall, and of slim build.据描述,他十八九岁的样子,瘦高个儿。Brought up in what he describes as "a middle class ghetto", he imagined that all people were as privileged as he was.自称从小在“一个中产阶级聚居区”长大的他,以为所有人都享有跟他一样的待遇。The ancient bridge was described as a potential death trap for the tourists that flock there.据说这座古桥对聚集在桥上的游客来说是个死亡陷阱。She was described as a loyal friend of the Princess.她被描写成是王妃的忠实朋友。The kitchen was described as the gourmetest in town.那个厨房做的菜被说成是全市美食之最。He has been described as a political hermaphrodite.他被描述成政治两面派。The hotel is described as "the ultimate in luxury".该宾馆被描述为“豪华的极致”。He was described as a restorer of peace and order.他被说成是和平与秩序的恢复者。His latest movie is described as a "romantic comedy".他的最新影片被描述为一部“浪漫喜剧”。He was described as overrated media hype.他被描述为被媒体过高评价的人。He's been taken to hospital where his condition is described as serious but stable.他被送到了医院,医生说他病情严重但是比较稳定。When it was first introduced, the electric car was described as one of the ten most innovative products of the year.电动汽车刚刚推出的时候,被形容为当年最创新的十大产品之一。None of the women he paints, however, could be described as shrinking violets.然而,他画过的所有女人中没有一个是羞涩腼腆的。The report found what it described as "unacceptable levels of air pollution" in several major cities.在几个大城市里都出现了这份报告所表述的“难以忍受的空气污染状况”。The collapse of the company was described as the greatest financial debacle in US history.那家公司的破产被称为美国历史上最大的一场金融灾难。The palace has been described as the eighth wonder of the world.这座宫殿已被誉为世界第八大奇观。He is described as a Texas oil millionaire and environmentalist, which might appear to be self-contradictory.他被描述为得克萨斯州的石油大亨和环境保护者,这看来可能有些自相矛盾。The man was described as short and stocky and very strong.据描述,那个男人矮个儿,敦实粗壮。He was described as dangerous and depraved and a menace to society.他被描述成一个既危险又堕落的人,对社会是一种威胁。His cooking is best described as spicy. = It can best be described as spicy.他做菜的最大特点就是辣。The attacker was described as white, with short hair.据描述,袭击者是一名留短发的白人。He was variously described as a doctor and a monster.他被一些人说成是大夫,又被另一些人描述为怪物。There are few people who may be described as geniuses.很少有能称得上天才的人。Flies, lice, and cockroaches can all be described as vermin.苍蝇、虱子和蟑螂都可以被称作是害虫。




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