例句 |
If convicted, they face the death penalty.一旦被认定有罪,他们将面临死刑。Drug smugglers face the death penalty if they are caught.毒犯如果被捕会面临死刑。Three Britons are facing the death penalty for spying.三名英国人因间谍罪而面临死刑。If convicted, he could face the death penalty. 如果被判有罪,他可能面临死刑。If found guilty of first-degree murder, Bangham could face the death sentence.如果被裁定犯有一级谋杀罪,班厄姆可能会面临死刑。If found guilty of drug trafficking, the pair could face the death penalty.如果贩毒罪名成立,二人可能面临死刑。 |