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词汇 不妨
例句 It's a good idea to give adolescents a little more information than they ask for.青少年提了问题,不妨在回答后再给点儿额外信息。We might as well make good use of his expertise while he's here.他在这里的时候,我们不妨好好利用他的专长。They might be wise to stop advertising on television.他们不妨停止在电视上做广告,这样做可能是明智之举。For your information, I've worked as a journalist for six years.不妨告诉你一下,我做记者已有六年了。We might as well pay them a visit while we're in the neighborhood.到他家附近时,我们不妨去拜访一下他们。It would be just as well to telephone them before we arrive.我们不妨在到达前给他们打个电话。Sometimes it's all right to be a little selfish, and forget about everyone else for a change.有时候不妨转变一下,自私一点,忘记别人。You'll have to come and meet my wife some time.不妨什么时候到我家来见见我太太。If you feel angry, punch a cushion for half an hour.当你愤怒的时候,不妨猛打垫子半小时。There is no point in just patching it up; We may as well make a job of it.修修补补没多大意思,我们不妨彻底好好干一下。We might take a look at what wants doing right now.我们不妨调查一下哪些事情需要立刻就做。If you have to take the floorboards up, take the opportunity to lag any pipes at the same time.如果一定要把地板掀开,不妨趁此机会给各个管道加一层隔热保护。Even if you've never done it before, make a stab at it.即使你从未做过,不妨试一下吧。You are in a kind of a jam, ain't you—in a manner of speaking?你恐怕处境不妙,不妨这么说吧? Let's assume for the sake of argument that we manage to build a satisfactory database.为了便于讨论,不妨假定我们成功地建立了一个令人满意的数据库。It wouldn't do any harm for you to get an answerphone.不妨弄一台电话答录机。It won't hurt you to be polite for a change.不妨有礼貌一点,这对你没坏处。Think of the inconveniences of living in a small room with a large family.不妨想想,子女众多的一家人挤在一间小房间里,生活会有多少不便之处。You and I may as well house together.你和我不妨住在一起。Let's just sit tight and see what the market does in the next week or two.咱们不妨坐下来静观市场在今后一两个星期内会有什么变化。Console yourself with the reflection that you are not the only one.你不是唯一的一个,不妨以这样的想法自慰一下。I was shocked by the news, I don't mind telling you! 不妨告诉你,这条新闻让我震惊!Don't be afraid to branch out and try something new.不要怕另辟蹊径,不妨尝试一些新东西。Instead of beefing about what Mrs Martin has not done, her critics might take a look at what she is trying to do.批评者不要老是抱怨马丁太太没有做什么事情,不妨看看她正要做什么事情。I might go out if I had anybody to go with. Are you very booked up yourself?要是有人作伴,出去一次倒也不妨。你的时间是不是也预先排满了? You might as well apply for the job. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.不妨申请这份工作。你会只赚不亏。Are we going to dress up for the party, or is it informal?我们是穿礼服去参加宴会呢,还是不妨随便一些?Scientists in search of a challenging career could do worse than consider forensic science.寻求富有挑战性的事业的科学家不妨考虑一下法医学。When you have both filled in your patterns, you may want to share these with each other.两人都把图案填好色后,不妨互相交换着看一下。If we're going to replace the cabinets, we might as well go the whole nine yards and remodel the entire kitchen.咱们要是更换橱柜的话,不妨彻底把整个厨房重新改造一番。It would do her no harm to try them until we found the one which suited her best.不妨先试试这些,直到我们找到最适合她的为止。You might as well apply for the job – you've got nothing to lose.不妨申请这份工作 — 你不会损失什么的。Look at the difficulty another way.不妨换个角度看待这一困难。You might as well take your father's car - there's no point in having it sit there unused in the garage.不妨开你父亲的车——没道理让它闲置在车库里。Tell him tomorrow. And tell her too, while you're about it.明天去告诉他。而既然说了,不妨也把事情告诉她。If you want a book about bees, try this one.你如果想看有关蜜蜂的书,不妨读读这一本。It wouldn't do you any harm to listen to her advice.不妨听听她的意见。He suggested, among other things, that she and her brother might stay there for a few days.除了别的以外,他还建议她和她弟弟不妨在那里再住几天。 Try some of this relish with your pie.吃馅饼时不妨试加一点这佐料。If in doubt about your diagnosis, get a second opinion.如果对诊断有疑虑,不妨征求一下其他人的意见。




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