例句 |
Open the windows so the room can air a little.打开窗户,让房间通通风。Why don't you open the windows so that the room can air?你为什么不打开窗子让房间通通风呢? Leave the windows open to let the room air a bit.开着窗户,让房间通通风。It's time to spring-clean the house and air out the place.这所房子该彻底打扫一下,通通风。She opened the windows to ventilate the room.她打开窗户让房间通通风。She was opening windows and shutters to air the empty rooms.她正把窗户和百叶窗打开,让空房间通通风。I opened all the windows, hoping that I could air the place out before the guests came.我打开所有的窗子,想趁客人来之前给屋子通通风。Open all the windows of the bedroom and give it a good airing.打开卧室的所有窗户,让它好好通通风。 |