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词汇 acting
例句 The music is generally terrific but the scripting and acting are a bit ho-hum.音乐总体来说很棒,但编剧和表演就有点平淡无奇。Ms Hidden has replaced her as acting director.希登女士代替她担任代理董事。I've always avoided acting on impulse.我一直避免意气用事。Police hope that a member of the public will be able to identify a man seen acting suspiciously a few hours before the murder took place.警方希望公众中有人能够指认出谋杀案发生前几小时被人看到行动可疑的一名男子。At university he wrote a bit, did a touch of acting, and indulged in internal college politics.在大学期间他写了点儿东西,接触过一些表演,并且热衷参与校内政治活动。He was acting like a complete turkey.他表现得像个十足的笨蛋。He's acting like a complete dick.他表现得就像个大傻瓜。I decided to follow my heart and take up acting.我决定做自己真正想做的事情,并付诸行动。He wanted to give up acting and start directing (his own films).他想放弃表演转而开始导演(自己的电影)。The prime minister has been accused of acting with precipitation over the crisis.总理被指责在处理危机问题上贸然行动。The social worker would try to get her to see she was acting against the boy's interests.这位社会工作者会设法让她明白她这么做对这个男孩没有好处。Alcohol is also a powerful and fast-acting drug.酒也是一种效力强且迅速给人快感的毒品。Two men were seen nearby acting suspiciously.有人看见附近有两名男子形迹可疑。Lawyers acting for the defendant asked for her case to be adjourned while they examined new evidence.代表被告的律师要求在他们调查新证据期间暂停审理她的案子。It was widely suspected that the cadets had been acting on orders.人们普遍怀疑军校学生是奉命采取行动。The police are acting on information received last night.警方根据昨晚得到的消息采取行动。You two are acting like children.你们俩表现得像孩子。I decided to continue acting ignorant, just to make fun of her.我决定继续假装不知情,只是为了逗她玩玩。He's acting like a complete shithead.他的一举一动都像个大傻蛋。An agent acting for the owner denied knowing about the paintings.画主的经纪人否认对这些画作知情。The role will allow her to flex her acting muscles.这个角色可以让她施展自己的表演才能。I was very impressed by his acting.我对他的演技印象深刻。The acting chairman did everything appropriately.代理主席把每件事都做得恰如其分。He'll be the acting director until they can appoint a permanent one.在他们任命正式董事长之前,他将代理这一职位。He has resumed his acting career after a two-year interlude.中断了两年后,他重新开始了演艺生涯。Hartman was so discouraged about the way his performing career was going, that he gave up acting for writing.哈特曼对自己的演艺生涯感到非常沮丧,于是便弃演从文了。I did not criticize her acting, inasmuch as I really did not feel competent.我没有去评论她的演技,因为我确实觉得这方面自己并不在行。The acting is as abominable as the plot.演技和故事情节同样糟糕透顶。If you keep acting like this, you'll be heading/headed for trouble!如果你总是这样,会惹上麻烦的!The children were acting out what they saw on television.孩子们把他们从电视上看到的又演了出来。The acting was very good but the music was nothing to write home about.表演非常精彩,但音乐不怎么样。He's been acting different ever since his arrest.他自从被捕以后,行为一直很反常。She had a perfectly sound reason for acting as she did.她那么做有一个完全正当的理由。He loves acting, but he hates the whole film-star bit.他喜爱表演,但不喜欢全套的影星架势。An acting coach was brought in for the less experienced actors.一名演艺指导被请来辅导经验不够丰富的演员。She is acting under direct instructions from the president.她直接听候总裁调遣。This new evidence makes it clear that Rourke was acting independently of the others.这个新的证据清楚地表明,鲁尔克是独立于他人而行动的。They'll question them as to whether anyone was seen acting suspiciously in the area over the last few days.他们将询问这些人最近几天在这一带有没有看到形迹可疑的人。Her mother started her off acting in children's theatre.她母亲先是让她在儿童剧院里演出。She's serving life for acting as an accomplice to murder.她作为谋杀案的共犯在服无期徒刑。




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