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例句 A reduction in corporate tax should act as a stimulus to economic activity.公司税的降低应该能够成为对经济活动的一种刺激。An antique cannon acts as a reminder of less peaceful times.一门古董大炮让人想起不太和平的年代。The insect's yellow spots act as a warning signal to its predators.昆虫身上的黄点是向其天敌发出的警告信号。He acted as chairman in my absence.我不在时他担任主席。He acted as grand marshal of a stock-car race.他担任过改装赛车大赛的总指挥。The mayor will act as the final arbiter in any disputes between board members.市长在委员会成员之间产生的任何争议中担当最终仲裁人。His conduct made him unfit to act as director of a company.他的行为已使他不再适合担任公司董事。The law acts as a check on people's actions.法律起着约束人们行为的作用。An alarm acts as a deterrent to most burglars.警报对大多数的窃贼能起到威慑作用。He acted as if he didn't already know.他表现得好像他并不知情。High marginal tax rates may act as a disincentive to working longer hours.高边际税率可能会对加班起到抑制作用。The Premier deputed the Foreign Minister to act as his deputy.总理委派外交部长作为他的代表。The committee acts as an independent watchdog over government spending.这个委员会作为独立监察机构对政府开支进行监督。The satellite acts as a drag on the shuttle.卫星成了航天飞机的累赘。His hobbies act as a safety valve, relieving some of the pressure he feels from his job.他的业余爱好起到了安全阀的作用,缓解了他的一些工作压力。Rises in interest rates act as a brake on expenditure.加息对消费起抑制作用。The rabbit's white fur acts as a camouflage in the snow.在雪中,兔子的白色毛皮就是它的保护色。The new drug acts as a clot-buster. 这种新药可以活血化瘀。She acted as if nothing had happened.她装作好像什么事也没发生过。It was thought that this would act as an incentive for couples to adopt older children.人们认为这将会对夫妇们收养大一些的孩子起到鼓励作用。He acts as if he has the God-given right to tell us all what to do.他向我们发号施令就像是上帝给了他这种权利似的。The ruined church acts as a constant reminder of the war.这座被毁的教堂使人们时刻铭记那场战争。When he tested an early vaccine on himself, some described the act as foolhardy.他在自己身上试验一种初期疫苗时,有人说他蛮干。Cities have always acted as the principal focus of political life.城市总是担当着政治生活的主要焦点。High-visibility policing acts as a deterrent to crime.高姿态执行警务是一种对罪犯的威慑。He agreed to go with them and act as their guide.他同意和他们一起去,给他们当向导。He acted as his own lawyer during the trial.审判时他给自己当律师。The professors act as gatekeepers who determine which students are admitted into the competetive engineering program.教授有权决定那些学生可以参加竞争激烈的工程项目。We want to encourage them to group together to act as a big purchaser.我们想鼓励他们组成一个大的采购团。He acted as chauffeur on this occasion for Iris.在这种情形下,他给艾丽丝当了司机。The court system acts as an appendage to the government.法院系统附属于政府。His teacher acted as a father substitute.老师替代了他父亲的角色。It acted as a catalyst to set off new trains of thought.它对触发新思路起到了促进作用。The story should act as a warning to other prospective buyers.这篇报道应该对其他潜在的购买者起到警示作用。He acted as if he hadn't heard any of it.他表现得好像对此毫不知情。She wanted him to act as an intermediary in the dispute with Moscow.她想让他充当中间人来调解与莫斯科的争端。This chart can act as a quick reference guide.这个图表可用作简明指引。We acted as though we knew what was going on.我们假装知道发生了什么事。Their liberal views act as a counterweight to/against the governor's conservatism.他们的开明思想对州长的保守思想起到制衡作用。The tough new law should act as a deterrent.这项严厉的新法将起到威慑作用。




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