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词汇 act for
例句 It is legally possible for an elderly person to nominate someone to act for them if they become incapable of looking after themselves.从法律上说,如果老年人生活不能自理,可以指定某个人作为自己的代理。Working and raising children can be a real juggling act for parents.为人父母,可能真的要兼顾工作和养育孩子。He was constantly reassuring himself that he had acted for the best.他不断地安慰自己已经尽力做到最好了。He's just putting on an act for the boss's benefit.他做戏只是为了给老板看。His lawyer will act for him in this affair.这件事由他的律师代表他处理。It's a good idea to have an estate agent to act for you when you are selling a house.你要卖房子的话,最好找个房地产经纪人为你代理事务。A senior member of the committee was authorized to act for the chairman during his absence.主席不在时,授权委员会中的一位资深委员代理他的职务。As the chairman is ill, I am asking Mr Jones to act for him.现在主席病了,我打算请琼斯先生代理他。It is legally possible for an elderly person to nominate someone to act for them, should they become incapable of looking after themselves.从法律上来说,如果老人生活不能自理,他可以指定某人为其代理事务。She was authorized to act for her husband.她被授权代表她丈夫行事。A lawyer acts for his client.律师代表他的当事人行动。His secretary will act for him in all his affairs.他的秘书将代他处理他的全部事务。She acts for me in the matter.在这件事上,她是我的代理人。This year's Budget looks set to be a precarious high-wire act for the Chancellor.编制今年的政府预算对财政大臣来说就好像是在走钢丝。He confidentially authorized me to act for him while he is abroad.他信任地委托我在他出国期间代行他的事务。His boss read him the riot act for making careless mistakes.他的老板严厉警告他别再犯粗心大意的错。The lawyer acted for him during the trial.在庭审期间由律师代表他行事。His lawyers are continuing to act for him.他的几位律师继续代理他的事务。In my absence the assistant manager will act for me.我不在时由经理助理代理我。




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