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词汇 acting career
例句 He began his acting career in summer stock.他的演艺生涯从剧团的夏季轮演开始。My son wants to leave school to concentrate on his acting career and I totally approve.我儿子想离开学校,一心一意投入他的演艺事业,我完全赞成。Her acting career has flatlined.她的演艺事业处于低谷。It looked like his acting career was over, but this new movie suggests that it is time to call off the deathwatch. 他的演艺生涯看似已经结束,但这部新电影却表明他东山再起的时候到了。He started his acting career as an extra.他的演艺生涯是从当临时演员开始的。During his acting career, he has played all Shakespeare's great tragic heroes.在他的演员生涯中,他扮演过莎士比亚戏剧中所有著名的悲剧主人公。Concurrent with her acting career, Bron has managed to write two books of her own.在从事演艺生涯的同时,布龙还写出了两本她自己的书。She won many awards during her acting career.她在演艺事业中获得过很多奖项。She hoped modeling would help start her acting career.她希望当模特儿能有助于开创她的演艺事业。She recently returned to work after a two-year sabbatical from her acting career.她息影两年后,最近重新复出。Motherhood won't stop me from pursuing my acting career.做了母亲并不会阻止我继续追求我的演艺事业。She ended up doing commercials, which ironically revived her acting career.她最后只好去拍广告,具有讽刺意味的是,这却让她的演艺事业获得了重生。I've put my acting career on the back burner for a while, while I concentrate on my writing.我已经暂时不考虑我的演艺事业,而先集中精力写作。He has ambitions for an acting career. = He has ambitions to become an actor. = His ambition is to be/become an actor.他的志向是成为演员。His acting career took a nosedive.他的演艺事业突然一落千丈。He finally bagged his acting career and went back to school.他最终放弃了演艺事业,重返校园。She had started her acting career by doing shampoo ads on TV.她的演艺生涯是从在电视上做洗发剂广告开始的。Much to the amazement of her family, she left school to pursue her acting career.令家人震惊的是,她离开学校去追求她的演艺事业了。Maybe he's just not cut out for an acting career.也许他就不是一块当演员的料。He has resumed his acting career after a two-year interlude.中断了两年后,他重新开始了演艺生涯。Hanson's acting career appears to be pretty much over.汉森的演艺生涯似乎差不多已走到尽头。He is trying to resurrect his acting career.他正在努力重振演艺生涯。You could see the pride in their faces when they talked about their daughter's acting career.当他们谈论他们女儿的演艺生涯时,你可以看得出他们脸上的骄傲。Good looks can be an asset in an acting career.外貌好在演艺事业中可能是一种优势。She was destined for an acting career.她命中注定当演员。He realized that his acting career was over.他意识到自己的演艺事业已走到了尽头。She had come to England to pursue an acting career.她为了从事演艺事业来到了英国。She decided her acting career was a lost cause.她认定她的演艺事业注定要失败。As a model, Monroe always aspired to an acting career.当模特儿时,梦露渴望演员生涯。She had a long acting career that culminated in two Oscar nominations.她漫长的演艺生涯以两项奥斯卡奖提名结束。His acting career is in overdrive.他的演艺生涯正处于高度活跃时期。His acting career hit the buffers.他的演艺生涯结束了。




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