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词汇 逃学
例句 Parents often don't know their children are playing truant.父母经常不知道自己的孩子在逃学We used to bunk off school as kids.小时候我们经常逃学His many truancies troubled his parents.他多次逃学,这使他的父母深感烦恼。Truanting is a small but growing problem in primary schools.在小学里,逃学是个虽小却日益严重的问题。Billy was caught playing truant and has been given extra homework for a month.比利逃学被抓住,被罚多做功课一个月。Let's ditch school today.今天我们逃学吧。Almost everybody's kids skive off school.几乎每个人的孩子都逃学Eric is off school again.埃里克又逃学了。We were bunking off one day, and playing down by the canal.有一天我们逃学,在运河边玩耍。He'd played hooky again and ridden the train out to Brooklyn.他又一次逃学,乘火车去了布鲁克林。He was playing hooky with his friends.他和他的朋友们逃学了。Bob was truant from school once when he went fishing.鲍勃有一次逃学去钓鱼。He was cutting school and flunking classes.逃学,考试也不及格。Peter was skinned for playing truant.彼得因逃学受到训斥。In my last year I played truant a lot.我在最后一年常逃学Rates of truancy from school have only increased minimally.逃学率只是略有增长。John and I used to bunk off school.约翰和我过去经常逃学Unfairly sent to Coventry for two weeks, Hannah decided to run away from school.被大家不公正地冷落了两个星期后,汉娜决定逃学了。My daughter's school has very good exam results and hardly any truancy.我女儿所在的学校考试成绩很好,几乎没有逃学的。Children who stay away from school do it for different reasons.孩子逃学有各种原因。She faked illness so as not to go to school.她为了逃学假装生病。She often played truant and wrote her own sick notes.她经常逃学,自己写病假条。If your dad finds out you've been skipping school, he'll go ballistic.如果你爸爸发现你一直在逃学,他会很生气的。She would have clutched at any excuse to miss school for the day.为了那天能逃学,她会找任何借口。The truant boy has set a record for others who dream of evading school.这个逃学男生为其他想逃学的学生开了一个先例。The schools were fighting endlessly to combat truancy.学校在不断地与逃学作斗争。You'll fail all your exams if you carry on truanting.如果继续逃学的话,你所有的考试都会不及格。He's been playing truant with his friends.他总是和伙伴们一起逃学He was a skiver, and a thief.他是个逃学精,还偷东西。She was counted as absent from school that day.那天,她被算作逃学了。He responded the first day by skipping school and beering up.他第一天就以逃学并大喝啤酒来作出自己的反应。She snitched on her brother when he skipped school.她告发弟弟逃学




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