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词汇 talkative
例句 Somehow I always end up alone in a room with my talkative aunt.不知怎么的,最后房间里总剩下我一个人与健谈的姨妈在一起。He's a talkative guy, and I struck up a conversation with him.他是一个健谈的人,于是我开始和他攀谈起来。She's a lively, talkative person.她是个活泼健谈的人。He is talkative when he has a few drinks under his belt.他几杯下肚话就多。The talkative woman is always barging in other people's conversation.那个多嘴的妇人总是爱插嘴。She's either really talkative and you can't shut her up or else she's silent.她要么滔滔不绝,你都堵不上她的嘴,要么就一言不发。He didn't want company, talkative or otherwise.他不想有人做伴,不管那个人爱不爱说话。He suddenly became very talkative, his face slightly flushed, his eyes much brighter.他的话突然多了起来,脸颊微微泛红,双眼明亮许多。One drink and she became gay and talkative.一杯酒下肚,她变得神采飞扬,话也多了。The wine was making her more relaxed and talkative.酒使她更加放松和健谈。Their little boy is very talkative.他们的小儿子很爱说话。Sue is the extrovert in the family; opinionated, talkative, and passionate about politics.苏是家中的外向行动派,性格固执,能说会道,对政治非常热衷。She was in a talkative mood.她说话的兴致很高。Shy students are sometimes discouraged by the more talkative members of the class.腼腆的学生有时会因班上有踊跃发言的同学而欲言又止。He was quite talkative about his wife, mostly he bitched her.他爱谈论他的妻子,多数情况下是抱怨她。Sue is the extrovert in the family; opinionated, talkative and passionate about politics.苏是家中的外向行动派,性格固执,能说会道,而且对政治非常热衷。




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