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词汇 装作
例句 Go away and don't come the old soldier in my pub again.走开,别再装作生活无着的老兵在我酒馆里乞讨。She pretended not to observe it.装作没看见的样子。When I tried to interrupt, he ignored me and went on speaking.我想插话,他装作没听见,继续往下说。He listened to them, affecting an amused interest.装作饶有兴致地听他们说话。He pretended to make a phone call.装作在打电话。Her outward friendliness was only a disguise for her hate.她表面上装作友好仅仅是为了掩饰她的仇恨。He made a great show of friendship.装作十分友好。The children like to make believe that they live in a castle.孩子们喜欢装作住在城堡中。I wish they'd drop this pathetic charade of pretending nothing's the matter.我真希望他们揭下这种可怜的伪装,别再装作若无其事。I made an effort to sound interested in what he was saying.我努力装作对他的话很感兴趣。Employees are putting a brave face on yesterday's news.雇员们装作不受昨天消息的影响。Hamlet endued the character of a madman.哈姆雷特装作疯子。If anyone asks you about it, play dumb. 如果有人问起你那件事,你就装作什么也不知道。He only pretends to be sexist in order to wind me up.他只是装作歧视女性的样子来气我。The situation was very serious indeed, even if the government tried to pretend otherwise.形势确实已很严峻,尽管政府试图装作情况并非如此。Geraldine was married to the richest man in France and still pretended she couldn't afford a new outfit.杰拉尔丁嫁给了法国最有钱的人,可是仍装作买不起一套新衣服。The teacher just looks the other way whenever the children cause trouble.每次孩子们捣乱,老师都装作没看见。Stop making like you know everything, OK?装作无所不知,行吗?We tried to keep up the pretense that everything was fine.我们试图装作一切都好的样子。She gave him a demure smile.装作羞答答地对他微笑。I know you're bored, but can you at least try to act interested.我知道你感到乏味,但你能最起码装作感兴趣吗?They were very unhappily married but kept up appearances for the sake of their children.他们的婚姻并不幸福,但为了子女而装作一切正常。She tilted her head to one side, pretending to consider the question.她把头偏向一侧,装作在考虑这个问题。Let's pretend it never happened.咱们装作这事从未发生过吧。He sighed in a parody of deep emotion.装作动情地叹息起来。Mum cleverly pretended that she hadn't heard what he'd said.妈妈很聪明地装作没有听到他讲的话。He listened to them, affecting a concerned interest.装作饶有兴趣地听他们讲话。Mike likes to make out that he's tough, but he's a pussycat really.迈克喜欢装作粗野,但实际上温柔极了。The room was full of dancers, all making last-minute adjustments to their costumes.房间里满是舞蹈演员,都在对演出服装作最后的调整。In the lift at work, the doctors looked right through you as if you didn't exist.在工作单位的电梯里,那些医生对你装作没看见,就像你不存在似的。Teachers are turning a blind eye to pupils smoking at school.学生在学校吸烟,教师都是装作没看见。He displayed a willful ignorance of their plight.对于他们的困境他故意装作一无所知。We pretended to like his artwork in order to spare his feelings. 为了照顾他的情绪,我们装作喜欢他的艺术作品。She acted as if nothing had happened.装作好像什么事也没发生过。He pretended not to observe our entry.装作没有看见我们进来。She listened to his remarks with studied indifference.装作漫不经心地听着他的话。I like to drive around in my brother's BMW and pretend I'm a rich businessman.我喜欢开着哥哥的宝马汽车四处转悠,装作是个富有的商人。I saw Carrie yesterday, but when I smiled at her she just looked right through me.昨天我遇见了卡丽,可当我对她微笑时,她竟装作没有看见。Albert was staring straight ahead, pretending not to listen.艾伯特盯着前方看,装作没在听。He pretended to be a respectable citizen, but we found him out at last.装作是可敬的市民,但我们最终认清了他的真面目。




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