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词汇 被拘留
例句 Parry was in custody for a month before being released.帕里被拘留了一个月后获释。He was detained for a week, to the mortification of his family.被拘留了一个星期,令家人蒙羞。The report alleges that political prisoners are detained for months without being charged.该报告声称政治犯不经指控即被拘留数月。We got arrested once, for singing bawdy songs in a cemetery.我们曾经因为在公墓唱下流歌曲而被拘留过一次。She was jailed for drink-driving.她因酒后驾驶而被拘留The man spent seven hours in custody, periodically being questioned by the police.那个男人被拘留了七个小时,期间不时接受警方的审问。A woman is being held in custody in connection with the murder.一名与谋杀案有关连的女子目前被拘留The accused were held without bail.被告被拘留,不得保释。She was arrested for selling bootlegs online.她因在网上卖盗版盘而被拘留The magistrate set a mere token recognizance on the prisoner.地方治安承审员准许被拘留人缴纳一笔纯属象征性的保证金后开释。She was arrested and detained for distributing pro-democracy leaflets.她因为散发支持民主的传单而被拘留了。Mr Hayes is being kept at Newham police station for questioning.海斯先生正被拘留在纽汉警署接受审问。He was arrested for assault, but he beat the rap.他因犯有侵犯人身罪而被拘留,但逃脱了牢狱之灾。He was arrested and is now in prison awaiting trial.他被捕了,现在正被拘留候审。We reached Germany and were interned in a camp.我们抵达德国,被拘留在一所营房内。She was taken into custody later that day.她那天后来被拘留了。She was arrested for jaywalking.她因乱穿马路被拘留The suspected drug dealer was taken in for questioning.贩毒嫌疑人已被拘留审讯。He was arrested for driving over the limit.他因酒后驾驶被拘留The demonstration outside the embassy landed some of the protesters in jail overnight.在使馆外举行抗议示威活动导致一些抗议者被拘留了一夜。The murder suspect is in custody and will be charged soon.凶杀案嫌疑犯已经被拘留,并将很快遭到起诉。




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