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词汇 蒙骗
例句 He tricked her by wearing a disguise.他乔装打扮蒙骗了她。He was not for a minute deceived by her words.他丝毫没有被她的话所蒙骗We can see through all your tricks and schemes, so you needn't think you can pull the wool over our eyes.我们能够识破你所有的阴谋诡计,所以不必以为你能蒙骗我们。He was too clever to let them pull the wool over his eyes.他太聪明了,不会被他们蒙骗的。The people were seduced into thinking/believing that he was a prophet.人们受到蒙骗,相信他是先知。His deluded family believed everything he said.他受蒙骗的家人相信了他所说的一切。There have been cases of thieves posing as telephone engineers to trick people into letting them into their homes.有这样几宗案子,窃贼们冒充电话技工,以此来蒙骗人们让他们进入家里。Don't be fobbed off with excuses.不要被各种借口给蒙骗了。Don't be fooled by slick politicians.别被那些巧舌如簧的政客蒙骗了。The store had been ripping customers off for years.这家商店已经蒙骗顾客多年了。Teenagers are easy prey for unscrupulous drug dealers.青少年很容易被不择手段的毒品贩子蒙骗The TV ads were a calculated attempt to deceive voters.这些电视广告是为蒙骗选民而精心策划的。The politicians are just trying to pull the wool over voters’ eyes again.这些政客又在企图蒙骗选民了。He was not for a moment deceived by her words.他丝毫没有被她的话所蒙骗The government should not be deluded into thinking that it is popular.政府不应该受蒙骗误认为它很受人欢迎。They attempted to practice deception on the public.他们企图蒙骗公众耳目。It is used to jockey unwary Catholics into conformity.曾用它来蒙骗毫无警惕性的天主教徒改信英国国教。He'd tried to put one over on the tax office and got found out.他企图蒙骗税务局,但被查出来了。Thousands of home buyers were deceived into buying homes at inflated prices.上千名购房者受了蒙骗,买下了价格过高的房子。




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