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词汇 request
例句 They made a request to begin work immediately.他们要求立刻开始工作。A meeting was arranged at the ambassador's request.应大使的要求安排了一次会议。I am pleased to inform you that your request for housing benefit has been granted.我很高兴地通知你,你的住房补贴申请已经得到批准。Their request for better working conditions amounted to a criticism of the management.他们要求改善工作条件也就意味着是对管理层的批评。Meyer acceded to the President's request that he continue as education secretary until a replacement could be found.迈耶答应了总统的请求,继续留任教育部长,直至找到接替的人。His request for a bigger room met with a blunt refusal.他要求换一间较大的房间,却被不客气地回绝了。My kind words led up to a request for money.我讲了一些客气话,作为开口要钱的准备。I promote all my characters at the request of the publisher.我的人物都是应出版商的要求逐步升级的。An elderly woman rang up the police at the request of her neighbor.一个老太太应邻居的请求给警察打了电话。They responded to our request with unaccustomed speed.他们以不同寻常的速度对我们的请求做出了回应。His answer to my request was a negative.我的请求遭到了他的拒绝。Judge Gifford rejected the defense's request.吉福德法官驳回了被告的请求。I've put in a request for a room with a view of the sea.我已提出要一个能观海景的房间。He would not take “no” for an answer, so in the end I had to accede to his request.他坚持自己的看法,最后我不得不同意他的要求。Application forms are available on request.有申请表格备索。I am offended that your entertainment expert should make such a mistake and hereby request a formal apology.令我感到气愤的是,你们的娱乐节目专家竟然会犯这样的错误,我特此要求你们向我正式道歉。I have a request to make of your Grace.我对阁下(或夫人)有个请求。He did the favour but considered the request an imposition.他帮了忙,但认为向他提出的要求是在利用他。His request for a pay rise was turned away.他加工资的要求被回绝了。Additional copies will be made available on request.将有额外的副本备索。It would be discourteous to ignore his request.无视他的请求是失礼的。No one with any sense of decency can ignore their request for help.通情理的人不会忽视他们的帮助请求。He says that he will look kindly on any request you make.他说他会接受你提出的任何请求。He diplomatically refused our request.他婉转地拒绝了我们的要求。She refused to consider my request.她拒绝考虑我的请求。No photographs of the girl were printed, at the request of her family.依照女孩家人的要求,没有刊载女孩的照片。They responded favorably to our request.他们对我们的请求表示允许。France had agreed to his request for political asylum.法国已经同意了他寻求政治庇护的请求。Mr Norris said he was hopeful that his request would elicit a positive response.诺里斯先生说希望他的请求能够引起积极反响。The evacuation is being organised at the request of the United Nations Secretary General.根据联合国秘书长的要求,正在组织撤退。Who OK'd your request?谁同意你们的请求了?At Miss Garbo's request there was a cremation after a private ceremony.应嘉宝小姐的要求,在举行私人葬礼之后遗体就火化了。The committee would consider this type of request sympathetically.委员会会认真考虑这类请求。What did you say in reply to her request?在答复她的请求时你是怎么说的? The taxi driver, a phlegmatic man in middle age, showed no surprise at this request.那位出租车司机人到中年,遇事沉着,对这一要求毫不惊讶。Anderson repeated his request that we postpone the meeting.安德森再次要求我们把会议延期。The army sent me a letter acknowledging my request.军队寄了一封信给我,告知我的请求已收到。A very strange request landed on my desk this morning.今天上午一份非常奇怪的申请书放到了我的办公桌上。When you drop off the photos, be sure to request matte finish.你送去冲洗照片的时候,一定要他们洗绒面的。I hadn't foreseen the tempest my request would cause.我没有料到我的请求会掀起这么大一场风波。




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