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例句 Charities are required to register with a state agency.慈善机构必须在州政府部门注册。The jury are required to be unanimous in death-penalty cases.死刑案须要陪审团一致通过。The merit of the report is its realistic assessment of the changes required.这份报告的优点就是它对所要求的变动进行了实事求是的评估。I was required to hold out my arms and flex my pectorals.我被要求伸展手臂,收紧胸肌。To minimize collateral damage, maximum precision in bombing was required.为使附带性损伤降至最低,要求轰炸精度须做到最大。Customers are required to pay a premium for this service.顾客按要求应支付这项服务的附加费。I realized that here the conventions required me to make the ritual noises.我意识到此时按照惯例我应该说些客套话。An international effort is required to cope with the urgent needs of the earthquake victims.需要各国通力合作来应付地震灾民们的迫切需要。Just how much kneading is required depends on the sort of flour.需要揉多久取决于用哪种面。The government is required by law to provide education for all minors.政府必须依法为所有未成年人提供教育。Firm leadership is required.需要强有力的领导能力。Stephen required hospital treatment after his suicide attempt.史蒂芬自杀未遂,需要入院治疗。You would not believe the red tape involved in getting the required permits.你无法相信要取得相应的许可会涉及多少烦琐程序。We were required to get approvals at each stage of the project.我们在工程的每个阶段都必须得到核准。Our range of tamper-evident envelopes are ideal when extra security is required.在需要额外安全措施时,我们的一系列防窃启信封是您理想的选择。The clinic is required to inform the patient about possible alternative treatments.按照要求,诊所须告知病人有哪些可供选择的替代疗法。No special research is required to pass these examinations.不需要特别加以研究就可以通过这些考试。It is important to be aware of the level of formality required at any social function.注意不同社交活动的特定礼节是很重要的。Workers are required to join the union and pay dues.工人均须加入工会,并缴纳会费。He didn't have the mental agility or vision required for a senior politician.他缺乏一位资深政治家所应具备的敏锐头脑和眼光。Her schedule required rearrangement.她的时间安排需要调整。The wearing of a crash helmet is required by law.法律要求必须佩戴安全帽。A pure-bred strain of barley is required in the production of this whisky.酿造这种威士忌需要一种纯种大麦。Regular inspections are required of all restaurants in the area.本地区的所有餐馆都需要定期接受检查。The buyer is required to enter a code to authorize payment.买方需要输入密码来授权支付。His injuries required immediate attention.他的伤需要立即治疗。Employees are expected and required to attend team meetings.员工必须参加小组会议。Only the state was able to undertake the required research.要求进行的这项研究工作只有国家能承担得了。No torture in interpretation would be required.不应该有任何的曲解。The selling broker is then required to assign a portion of the commission to the buyer broker.卖方经纪人须随后将部分佣金分给买方经纪人。As a tenant you are required to keep the house in good repair.作为房客你必须保持房屋状况良好。Few ministers have the nous required to understand the ramifications.没有几个部长具备理解这些后果所需的理性。A nonrefundable deposit is required when you place an order.下订单时要支付不可退回的订金。At our school, you were required to conform, and there was no place for originality.我们学校要求每个人循规蹈矩,容不得创新求变。All first year music students are required to take a class in harmony.所有学习音乐的一年级学生都要上和声课。Some solid evidence was what was required.需要的是一些确凿的证据。I could not force my body into the contortions required by classical ballet.我无法按古典芭蕾的要求把自己的身体弄成扭曲的姿势。School rules required all girls to tie back their hair.校规要求所有女生都要把头发束到脑后。No special skills or knowledge are required for the job.这份工作不需要任何专门技能或知识。The project required some assiduous planning.这个项目要求必须认真规划。




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