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词汇 requirements
例句 I have some very simple requirements.我有一些很简单的要求。Students must fulfill certain requirements to graduate.学生们必须达到某些要求才能毕业。Disclosure requirements will repress bribery.要求人们举报将可制止贿赂。You can mix and match courses to suit your requirements.你可以根据需要选配课程。The business does not satisfy all the requirements necessary to qualify for tax concessions.这家公司未能完全符合获得减税资格所必需的条件。These requirements will have to be standardized if some banks are not to suffer a competitive disadvantage.这些要求必须标准化,以免有些银行在竞争中处于劣势。The clerk to the court will reject any document that does not meet the legal requirements.法庭书记将拒收任何不符合法律要求的文件。The increase in gas-fired power stations means traditional coal ones are becoming surplus to requirements.燃气发电站的增多意味着传统的燃煤发电站变得过剩了。They are standardising all the equipment throughout the area and bringing it up to British Standards safety requirements.他们把整个地区的设备实行标准化,使之符合英国标准体系中的安全要求。He argues that placing too many requirements on schools devalues the education they provide.他认为对学校施加过多要求会降低它们所提供教育的价值。Some colleges have stiffer entry requirements than others.有些大学比其他大学有更严格的入学资格要求。The new computer system will meet all our requirements.新计算机系统将满足我们的全部要求。Your work does not come up to the requirements.你的工作不符合要求。Our proposal has been revised to bring it into harmony with their requirements.为了能符合他们的要求,我们的提案已重新修改。We can arrange a honeymoon to meet your requirements exactly.我们可以完全按你的要求安排蜜月。The services are attractively priced and are tailored to suit individual requirements.服务费价格诱人且内容按个人需求量身定制。They produce a product that meets the customer's quality requirements.他们生产的一款产品符合客户对质量的要求。They're going to make up a list of requirements for us. = They're going to make us up a list of requirements.他们会给我们列一张需求清单。Small businesses are expressly exempted from the requirements of this legislation.明文规定小型企业无需符合这一立法的规定。Its products met all legal requirements.它的产品符合所有的法律要求。It satisfies the user's requirements both functionally and emotionally.它从功用和情感两方面满足了用户的需求。A high grade in mathematics is one of the requirements for entry to medical school.数学高分是进入医学院的必要条件之一。She has fulfilled/satisfied the general requirements of the course.她达到了那门课程的一般要求。Students must satisfy all requirements to be accepted on the course.学生要参加这门课程的学习必须符合所有要求。He found out he was surplus to requirements in London and left.他发现自己再留在伦敦是多余的了,于是就离开了。We'll help you find a home that will match your requirements.我们会帮助你找到一套能够满足你需求的住房。His services had become surplus to requirements.他的服务已变得多余了。We grow enough vegetables for our own requirements.我们种植了足够我们自己所需的蔬菜。Variety is near the top of many people's list of job requirements.很多人对工作的首要要求差不多都是不单调。Universities are toughening up their entrance requirements.大学都在提高入学门槛。For the second year in a row, the city's water supply has failed to meet minimum purity requirements.本市的供水已经连续第二年没有达到最低要求的纯净度。Much of the electrical equipment failed to fulfill safety requirements.许多电器未能符合安全要求。Check the engine's fuel requirements.检查一下发动机所需的燃料。He has filled all requirements for promotion.他已具备晋升的一切条件。Academic or technical ability are simply the threshold requirements to gain entry to a career.学术或技术能力仅是跨进某一职业的基本要求。What are the minimum requirements for the job?这项工作的最低要求是什么?The group has been notified by school officials that it no longer meets the requirements for a voluntary student organization.这个组织接到校方的通知,说他们已不再符合自发学生组织的要求。We are confident we will meet all the requirements of the design brief.我们相信我们会达到设计指示的所有要求。They got in under the wire just before the entry requirements for the training program changed.他们在招生要求变更前的最后时刻加入了这个培训计划。The school can decide which students will be given priority, subject to the requirements of the law.在法律允许的范围内,学校可以决定优先录取哪些学生。




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