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词汇 requires
例句 The practice of a lawyer requires acquaintance with court procedures.当律师要熟悉法庭程序。The scene as written requires full orchestral accompaniment.依照剧本的要求,这场戏要有完整的管弦乐配乐。The job requires a thorough grounding in the history of the region.这份工作需要对该地区的历史非常了解。The committee's brief is such that it can provide any advice which the Minister requires.委员会的主要职责使其可以提供部长所要求给出的任何建议。Radio adaptation of books requires skill.将书本改编为无线电广播节目需要技巧。The job requires a great deal of patience and skill.这项工作需要有很大的耐心和很高的技术。Transporting the specimens requires great care.运输这些样品需要格外小心。Publishing a quality newspaper requires determination and hard work.出版高品质报纸需要决心和努力。This is a desperate situation which requires a truly radical solution.形势危急,需要快刀斩乱麻。To emancipate herself, a woman requires economic independence.女人要想解放自己需要经济独立。The legislation requires motorcyclists to wear helmets.这一法规要求摩托车手佩戴头盔。This type of work requires intense concentration.这类工作需要精神高度集中。The beauty of the plan is that it only requires a small investment.这个计划的好处是它只要很少的投资。It's a job that requires a grown man.这是份成年人干的工作。The constitution requires members of parliament to take an oath of allegiance.宪法规定,议员必须宣誓效忠。The work requires scrupulous attention to detail.这份工作要求认真关注细节。Success requires dogged determination, as well as ability.获得成功不仅需要能力,也需要顽强的决心。Planning the project requires careful cost estimation.策划这一项目时需要仔细进行成本估算。The law requires the use of seat belts. 法律要求大家使用安全带。Looking after children requires patience.照料孩子需要耐心。The program requires high school students to take at least one college-level course.这个计划要求高中学生至少上一门大学水平的课程。Maintaining a horse requires considerable outlay.养一匹马要花不少钱。The job requires familiarity with current software.这份工作需要熟悉现行软件。This class requires a rudimentary knowledge of human anatomy.这门课要求具备人体解剖学的基本知识。It requires a few minor adjustments.需要作几处小的调整。Salvation requires difficult self-denial and demanding ascetic deeds.救赎要求在思想上进行艰难的自我否定,在行动上践行清心寡欲的清苦生活。This job requires a completely different skill set.这份工作需要一套完全不同的技能。The directive requires member states to designate sites of special scientific interest.指令要求成员国划定特别科学兴趣保护区。Each facet of the problem requires careful attention.这个问题的每个方面都需要格外小心。This job requires special care, so we'd better do it slow and steady.做这件事要特别小心,我们还是稳扎稳打的好。This isn't the kind of crisis that requires us to drop everything else.这样的危机并不需要我们抛弃其他的一切。The deal requires more up-front cash than I can come up with.这笔交易需要的预付金我还拿不出来。Sudan requires food immediately to avert a humanitarian catastrophe.苏丹急需食品以避免一场人道主义灾难。All development requires the prior approval of the planning authority.所有的开发都必须事先得到规划当局的批准。Yoga requires a limber body.瑜伽需要有柔韧的身体。Socially responsible marketing requires marketers to take ethical behaviors into consideration when they use marketing tools.带有社会责任感的市场营销要求营销人员在使用营销工具时考虑伦理道德纳。It requires great efforts to clarify sewage in cities.净化城市的污水需要很大的努力。The plan requires some modifications.这个计划需作些修改。The Constitution requires the president to seek the prior approval of Congress for military action.宪法规定总统在采取军事行动之前必须获得国会同意。The game requires great skill and coordination. 这款游戏需要很好的技术和协调能力。




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