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词汇 crown jewels
例句 These industries are the crown jewels of the French economy.这些产业是法国经济的珍宝。The ring is beans compared with the crown jewels.与王冠上的宝石相比,这只戒指是不值分文的东西。The Scottish crown jewels, called the Honours of Scotland, are on display in Edinburgh Castle.被称为“苏格兰荣耀”的苏格兰御宝现在陈列在爱丁堡城堡内。The stars appeared on the red carpet weighed down with more bling than the crown jewels.明星们星光熠熠地踏上红地毯,身上的珠光宝气比国王还要光彩夺目。That ring is beans compared with the crown jewels.与皇冠上的宝石相比那枚戒指根本不值什么钱。The university system of Maryland is one of our State's crown jewels.大学体系是我们马里兰州最出色的方面。




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