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词汇 自传
例句 In her autobiography she occasionally refers to her unhappy schooldays.在其自传中,她偶尔提及了她不快乐的学生时代。I hate the namedropping that is a feature of most autobiographies.我讨厌自传借助大人物的声望来自高身价这一通病。Tony Blair's autobiography was a bestseller.托尼·布莱尔的自传曾十分畅销。His autobiography is padded with boring anecdotes.他的自传因添加无聊的趣闻轶事而加长了篇幅。Biographers tend to be more accurate and objective than autobiographers.传记作家往往要比自传作家更实事求是也更客观。His autobiography never sold very well and was soon remaindered.他的自传一直卖得不太好,过了不久就被削价处理了。Her autobiography will be published next month, and will be a guaranteed bestseller.她的自传将于下月出版,肯定会很畅销。There are many self-criticisms in his autobiography.他的自传里有许多自我批评。In her autobiography, Doris Lessing writes about her childhood in Zimbabwe.多丽丝·莱辛在她的自传中写到她在津巴布韦度过的童年生活。I read her autobiography last year.我去年读过她的自传Her first novel was largely autobiographical.她的第一部小说很大程度上带有自传性质。His autobiography provides an illuminating insight into his mind.他的自传使读者得以洞悉他的内心世界。The book is a thinly disguised autobiography.这本书一看就是自传I enjoy reading Mark Twain's autobiography.我喜欢读马克‧吐温的自传The autobiographical impulse is normal in old age.人到老年想写本自传是正常的。It's been promoted as the biography that lays bare the truth behind the legend.这本自传被宣传成是一部揭示传奇背后真相的作品。His autobiography is full of self-criticism.他的自传里满是自我批评。These poems are by no means purely autobiographical.这些诗篇决不纯粹是自传性质的。His autobiography was ghostwritten.他的自传是别人代写的。The duke's memoirs will be serialised in the Sunday Times.公爵的自传将在《星期日泰晤士报》上连载。A thread of self-pity runs through his autobiography.自哀自怜是他的自传的主线。The old man spent most of his twilight years working on his autobiography.老人暮年的大部分时间都在写他的自传His life story is recounted in two fascinating volumes of autobiography.两部引人入胜的自传描述了他的生平经历。This would lead one to expect a fat, dense and detailed autobiography. The reverse is true. The book is short and spare.这会让人以为是一本内容晦涩而详尽的大部头自传。但正好相反,这本书简短明了。Mortimer recounted his indebtedness to her in his autobiography.莫蒂默在他的自传里讲述了对她的感激。There's an excessive amount of name-dropping in his autobiography.他在自传里提到了太多的名人,希望借此引起别人注意。Autobiography is often less truthful than biography.自传常常没有传记真实。His autobiography is larded with gossip about famous people.他的自传夹杂了许多有关名人的闲话。If you've read my earlier memoirs you'll know all about it.如果你读过我早期的自传,你就完全明白了。He titled his autobiography "Beneath the Underdog".他给自传起名为《连弱势方都不如》。Although she has written three novels, this autobiography is her first published work.她虽然写过三本小说,这本自传却是她第一本出版的作品。I published his autobiography, which was very competently ghosted by a woman journalist from the Daily Mail.我出版了《每日邮报》的女记者为他代笔的自传,写得颇具文采。She entitled her autobiography `Whitewashed Stairs to Heaven'.她将自己的自传命名为《通往天堂的白色阶梯》。He read an excerpt from his forthcoming autobiography.他读了他即将出版的自传中的一个节选。She ghosted the mayor's autobiography.她为市长的自传代笔。Have you read McClelland's voluminous account of his life?你读过麦克莱兰的长篇自传吗?She always refused to discuss the discrepancies in her biography.她始终拒绝讨论她自传中的不一致之处。The finished book was more of a personal diary than an autobiography.这本写完的书与其说是自传,倒不如说是私人日记。Her shocking autobiography is about to hit the streets.她那本惊人的自传即将公开出版。His autobiography is full of recondite words used for no other reason than to show the author's pedantry.他的自传里全是深奥的字眼,只是为了卖弄自己的学问,别无其他。




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